Publications & Documents

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Support for CYP with Attention needs and/or ADHD
These are all supports that have been found to be of help with children with needs in the areas of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
Talking Prompt – Vertumnus by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
Resource for EYFS. Perhaps you could create your own vegetable or flower art like these?
Template Action/Development Plan
A template for an action/development plan.
The EP Role: Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Review of Needs
All Education, Health and Care Plans (also called EHCPs), must have a formal annual review every 12 months. The meetings are led by the education setting as they know the child/young person and their family best and they will have the most up to date information about progress and next steps.
The Establish, Maintain, Restore Method (EMR)
This is a framework is a way of breaking relationships down into manageable steps. It focuses on staff building effective relationships with pupils and divides relationships into three stages: The Establish Stage, The Maintain Stage and The Restore Stage.
The Independent Inquiry into Sexual Abuse – Blog 7/2/2022
Safeguarding blog written by Alyson Knowles- 28th October 2023
Total Communication
The total communication approach is about finding and using the right combination of communication methods for each person. This approach helps an individual to form connections, ensure successful interactions and supports information exchanges and conversation.
Whole Class Feedback Proforma
Whole class feedback proforma.
Window of Tolerance
A useful psychological model for understanding the day-to-day experiences of children and young people (CYP), especially those who have experienced trauma, is the Window of Tolerance. This model is evidence-based, grounded in neuroscience theory (e.g., Porges, 2011).
Working Memory
Working memory is an executive function of the human brain, it helps us to temporarily hold relevant information in mind whilst we complete a daily task.
Working Together to Improve School Attendance – Blog 7/2/2022
Safeguarding blog written by Alyson Knowles- 28th October 2023
Writing Prompt – Maman by Louise Bourgeois
Resource for KS2. Perhaps you could create your own sculpture of a spider, insect or animal?
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