Publications & Documents

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Key adult
Key relationships can and do make a difference! A key adult can support children with attachment difficulties to develop trusting relationships and act as a safe base or an ‘Additional Attachment Figure’ in school. These adults can provide for opportunities for adaptation and recovery for children in the context of consistent, ‘good enough’ relationships.
Key Stage 1 Ladders for Content Domains with Gems
Reading Gems KS1 ladders for content domains with gems.
Key Stage 2 Ladders for Content Domains with Gems
Reading Gems KS2 ladders for content domains with gems.
Language and Culture Support
How our Education Psychologists support a wide range of languages and cultures within schools.
Looked After Children
What our consultations aim to do to ensure the needs of Looked After Children (LAC) are met.
Mental Health’s Impact on School Attendance – Blog 14/9/23
Safeguarding blog written by Adele Edwards - 14th September 2023
Metacognitive strategies
Metacognition approaches to teaching aim to support pupils to think about their own learning and the learning process; teaching them strategies for planning, monitoring and evaluating their learning. Many have described this as “thinking about thinking” or “learning to learn”.
Oracy Award Accreditation Criteria
Oracy Award Accreditation Criteria
Oracy Progression of Skills
Oracy Progression of Skills
Oracy Teacher Self Assessment
Oracy Teacher Self Assessment
PACE approach
PACE is an open and engaged approach for children who have experienced trauma, designed to promote safety, develop trust and enhance understanding and regulation of emotions.
Paired Reading
Paired reading is an effective, evidence-based method of helping children progress in their reading. This intervention can be used with a child of any age to improve their reading fluency and comprehension skills. It involves a combination of reading together and the child reading independently.
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