Publications & Documents

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Educational Psychology (EP) Assessments
Educational psychology assessment is a process of information gathering with the aim of identifying children and young people’s current skills, needs and, by drawing on psychological knowledge, what might help them achieve positive outcomes in the future.
Educational Psychology Consultation
Consultation is a way of thinking through concerns relating to an individual or group of students. Concerns may relate to any aspects of teaching, learning or behaviour etc. The approach is essentially solution orientated and aims to find a way of managing the situation that suits you.
Educational Psychology Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments
An education, health and care needs assessment (EHCNA) is an assessment of the education, health and social care needs of a child or young person.
Emotion Coaching
Emotion Coaching is an approach which enables children to manage their behaviour by supporting them to understand their different emotions. It is based on the principle that nurturing and emotionally supportive relationships promote children's outcomes and resilience.
Emotional Barriers to School Attendance Guidance – September 2024 – NEW
Emotional Barriers to School Attendance Guidance - September 2024 - NEW
Executive Functioning
What is Executive Functioning? The term executive functioning describes a set of cognitive skills which help humans to regulate their behaviour, moderate their interactions with others, learn and generally ‘function’ during daily tasks.
EYFS Maths Tracker
Maths Tracker for EYFS.
Growth mindset
A growth mindset is a term developed by Carol Dweck in her studies of human motivation. A growth mindset is defined as believing that your abilities and talents can be developed through dedication and hard work and that struggles help us to become better learners.
Guide to Cognitive Assessments
Cognition refers to the mental process of acquiring and understanding information from your senses. It involves thinking, understanding language, expressing language, memory and attention. It is vital to children and young people’s development and learning in school.
Guide to Oracy Across the Curriculum
Guide to Oracy Across the Curriculum
How do we prevent the radicalisation of boys – Blog 6/3/2023
Safeguarding blog written by Elise Vipond - 25th January 2023
Intensive Interaction
Intensive Interaction was originally developed by Melanie Nind along with Dave Hewett. It helps children and adults who are at the early stages of communication of developing social and communication skills.
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