Welfare Services


Supporting effective safeguarding practice. Working collaboratively to improve outcomes for all children.  

High School Students Wearing Uniform Raising Hands To Answer Question Set By Teacher In Classroom
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We all share a responsibility to safeguard and promote the physical and mental wellbeing of children. Working together to safeguard children, our specialists will ensure your safeguarding and child protection arrangements are nothing less than outstanding, helping you to embed a culture of safeguarding in schools and to keep children safe. Our extensive CPD offer means that staff at every level can be trained in understanding the signs and indicators of abuse, as well as how to report these effectively.

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Professional Casework Supervision

Two hands, passing a jigsaw piece between them

Professional Casework Supervision

The government’s Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 document requires Safeguarding Lead professionals to receive appropriate supervision, echoed by learning from child practice reviews.  

At One Education, we provide professional casework supervision that goes beyond compliance, advocating best practice informed by the latest research and critical reflection.  

NSPCC qualified and highly experienced, our professional supervisors will ensure you have all the support you need, from quality assuring casework to managing the emotional challenges associated with the role.  

Our professional casework supervision will help you with: 

  • Reviewing and progressing caseload 
  • Reflecting on current and past practice 
  • Building networks of support 
  • Caseload guidance and second opinions 
  • Emotional support and reducing professional isolation 


Start your journey with us today.  

Girl pupil holding paper on Anne Frank

Safeguarding Assesssment

Our specialists will help you to review your safeguarding and child protection arrangements, identifying areas of strength and potential development. The Safeguarding Assessment considers various elements of safeguarding practice, including:

  • Safeguarding arrangements
  • Staff training
  • Record keeping
  • Policies
  • Multi-agency working
  • Governance and accountability
  • Pupil welfare
  • Communication with parents/carers


We will hold discussions with staff members, senior leaders and pupils throughout the day. Supporting documents can also be shared as part of the process. We will assess your school alongside statutory guidance and Ofsted expectations, providing a report and action plan with recommendations for future practice.

boy and girl pupil playing with blocks

CPOMS Quality Assurance

Effective information sharing, as well as recording and reporting, is often highlighted as a priority in Safeguarding Child Practice Reviews. Our consultants will review your system to ensure that you are fulfilling statutory duties for record keeping and information sharing. Working with your DSL to review the quality of incident logs and effectiveness of interventions, we will ensure that your recording system is used to support the very best outcomes for all children. 

teacher holding book to class

DSL Mentoring

With increased expectations on schools to safeguard pupils from extra-familial harm and external risks, the responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead are ever increasing. Our mentoring service offers support both to experienced DSLs and those new to the role. This is an opportunity to critically reflect on Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures, digest current legislation, and access support on how best to implement this within your setting.

As a critical friend, mentors will keep you informed of current safeguarding risks both on a local and national scale. We will offer advice and guidance on statutory elements of safeguarding such as record keeping, referral processes, policy and training.

girl pupil pointing at map

Safeguarding Consultancy Package

Our team can tailor each support package to reflect the needs of your school. We understand the challenging situations that schools can be faced with and can quality assure your processes throughout the year to ensure that you are effectively safeguarding your pupils. From in-house support and assessment, through to our annual Safeguarding Conference, we will ensure you have the tools to create a safe and supportive learning environment.

A child's hand holding a pen over a page in their workbook

Policy Writing and Development

Highly qualified and experienced, our consultants can support you with policy and practice development, ensuring your school is compliant with the latest safeguarding legislation and national guidance. We will review your current procedures and make any necessary updates, always in line with your school community and vision. We can also work with schools to develop parent and child-friendly policies to reinforce the whole school responsibility for safeguarding.

girl pupil in classroom smiling

Safeguarding Training and CPD

With a variety of safeguarding training and CPD options available, our specialists will help to embed effective safeguarding practice within your school. Our training sessions are CPD-certified.

  • Online Safety
  • Prevent Awareness
  • Safer Recruitment in Education
  • Governor Safeguarding
  • Whole School Safeguarding
  • Enhanced Safeguarding
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Advanced)


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead training is differentiated for those new to the role and those more advanced practitioners, and both meet the statutory expectations outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education. We also offer training briefings on extra-familial safeguarding issues, such as Child Criminal Exploitation, Harmful Sexualised Behaviours and Forced Marriage as well as many others.

Bespoke training packages can be arranged for schools so that senior leaders are confident that all staff are clear on their duty to safeguard pupils throughout the full academic year, as recommended in Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Safeguarding Spotlight

Each half term we deliver a FREE, live, virtual Safeguarding Spotlight on a specific topic of interest for safeguarding leads to access online. From Knife Crime, Honour-Based Abuse, Misogyny and Adultification, we ensure that professionals are kept up to date

Safeguarding Conference

Our Safeguarding Conference brings together national leaders and experts in safeguarding and child protection. Through attending workshops and hearing from highly regarded keynote speakers, delegates will gain the knowledge and resources to protect children from the current safeguarding risks and prevent these within schools and academy trusts.

Chlidren reading books in the school library.

Resource Page

All of our customers are able to access the Resource Page through our website, which contains training content, summaries of updates to legislation, 7-Minute-Briefings, Top Tips and other key resources which will support staff to effectively safeguard pupils.

Pupil Attendance Safeguarding

Annual Support Packages

Our Education Welfare team can support you with all aspects of school pupil attendance and safeguarding in schools. By prioritising your needs, we will help your school meet all statutory requirements, ensuring all pupils receive the same opportunities as their peers.

We have three packages available, depending on the level of support you need.  Services for each package can include: casework management, attendance panels, strategic planning, support for legal proceedings, parental support, CME and safe and well visits, policy reviews and data analysis.

Additional services are available for the Intermediate and Comprehensive packages.  

Light Touch 

3 days of adviser time, pupil attendance helpline, and access to our members only resource area. 


6 days adviser time, pupil attendance helpline, and access to our members only resource area. 

Additional services with this package: safeguarding or attendance assessment. 


9 days adviser time, pupil attendance helpline, and access to our members only resource area.  

Additional services with this package: Safeguarding or Attendance Assessment, and Safeguarding Supervision. 

boy looking at teacher

Pupil Attendance Support for Schools and Academy Trusts

Good attendance and punctuality are key to a child’s success, creating better outcomes and preparing them for life beyond school. 

Working collaboratively with staff, pupils and families, our pupil attendance specialists will find positive solutions to tackle persistent absence, putting the right support in place to promote the welfare of all children. 

Safe and Well Visits 

Our team can carry out Safe and Well visits throughout the year, working directly with families to address barriers to attendance and allay any safeguarding concerns.  

With our consistent, child-centred approach, we can target support at key points across the school year, during exams or the transition from primary to secondary school.  

We will also engage with families during the school holidays, ensuring pupils continue to receive the support they need to prepare for their safe return to school.    

Casework with Children and Families 

Always working in the best interests of the child, our experienced advisers can support your school, pupils and families to improve school attendance and punctuality.  

We will facilitate interventions to identify the causes for poor school attendance and punctuality, supporting your school to ensure that any challenges are collaboratively resolved so that pupils can make the most of their educational opportunities.  

Support with legal proceedings 

In cases of persistent absence, legal intervention may become the appropriate course of action to take. Our experts will guide you through the process, preparing all necessary documentation to a high professional standard, ready for submission to your Local Authority. This can include requesting penalty notices for absence or to pursue legal proceedings.  

Highly skilled and experienced, our professionals will follow all the relevant procedures, working in partnership with your Local Authority towards a productive outcome.

boy pupil sits playing

Policy and Practice Development

Strong policies and practices are essential to cultivate a culture of safeguarding in school, and usually one of the first things that Ofsted will inspect.  

With extensive experience, our consultants can support you with policy and practice development, ensuring your school is compliant with the latest safeguarding legislation and guidance from the DfE. 

We will work with you to review your current procedures and make any necessary updates, always in line with your school community and vision.

pupil looks at online safety sheet

Safeguarding Lead professionals are required to receive appropriate supervision, echoed by learning from child practice reviews.  

At One Education, we provide professional casework supervision that goes beyond compliance, advocating best practice informed by the latest research and critical reflection.  

NSPCC qualified and highly experienced, our professional supervisors will ensure you have all the support you need, from quality assuring casework to managing the emotional challenges associated with the role.  

Our professional casework supervision will help you with: 

  • Reviewing and progressing caseload 
  • Reflecting on current and past practice 
  • Building networks of support 
  • Caseload guidance and second opinions 
  • Emotional support and reducing professional isolation 
two girl pupils reading books

Safeguarding Training for Schools

In line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, schools and trusts must ensure that all staff have access to relevant and up to date safeguarding training.  

With a variety of options available, our specialists can deliver training to meet the needs of your setting, ensuring that your professional development is aligned with your whole school safeguarding culture.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (CPD Certified) 

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Advanced) 

EYFS Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (CPD Certified)  

Whole School Safeguarding Training   

Safeguarding Briefings 

Governor Safeguarding Training

Safer Recruitment in Education (Specialist) 

girl and boy pupil use touch screen

Pupil Attendance Training

As part of their duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils, all schools have a responsibility to proactively monitor and improve school attendance.  

With wide-ranging expertise and experience, our consultants will ensure your school attendance team is working in line with the latest guidance outlined by the Department for Education. 

Sharing effective skills and strategies, our Pupil Attendance Training will improve your confidence in the following areas: 

  • Local authority procedures 
  • Attendance policies 
  • Attendance interventions 
  • Parental engagement 
  • Legal processes 

As well as training for school attendance teams, we also offer whole school CPD, helping you to make attendance “everyone’s business” in line with Working Together to Improve School Attendance. This training supports staff to understand their role in improving school attendance and reducing persistent absence, ensuring children have access to a full-time education and make the most of their learning opportunities.

boy pupil reading book


Guiding you through the process of critical reflection, our experts will help you to carry out effective self-assessments, collecting the relevant data to build a record of attendance and safeguarding procedures at your school.  

With constructive feedback and recommendations, our team will give you the reassurance that your policies and procedures are in line with good practice and all statutory requirements.  

Attendance Self-Assessment 

Our consultants will work alongside your team to conduct a thorough and detailed assessment of your school’s attendance policies, practices and procedures, identifying areas of strength and potential development. 

On completion, you will receive a detailed report alongside expert advice and guidance to help you improve punctuality and attendance at your school, a crucial step in achieving better outcomes for pupils.  

Safeguarding Self-Assessment 

One of our specialists will visit your school, supporting you with the assessment of your current safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures.  

We will provide recommendations to ensure that you have robust, relevant and useful safeguarding arrangements in place, in compliance with Ofsted standards and statutory requirements.

Pupil Attendance Helpline

Managing pupil welfare concerns on a daily basis, staff are likely to confront a diverse set of needs and challenging circumstances.  

Our helpline is a telephone and email service, connecting you straight through to advisers. With best practice and proven solutions, we will ensure your staff are well-prepared to make informed decisions and take the appropriate action.  

Supporting your team with all matters of safeguarding and attendance, we can advise you on the relevant legislation and strategies, ensuring all processes are in line with government guidelines.  

Gain access to our helpline for a full year from the time of purchase. Available Monday to Friday during term time, between 8:45 am and 12:00 pm. 

Mike palmer 3 dads walking safeguarding conference

Annual Conference

Bringing together leading experts and practitioners, our annual Safeguarding Conference explores key safeguarding issues for schools, building on existing practice and inspiring new ways of thinking.  

Packed full with empowering keynotes and practical workshops, every year we ensure that delegates leave the conference fully-equipped with fresh insights and applicable tools.  

An ideal opportunity for DSLs and school leaders to network with other professionals and reflect on the emerging trends in safeguarding, this event is not to be missed. 

pupils in school library

Safeguarding Consultancy

From record keeping and reports to community engagement, we can support you with all aspects of safeguarding at your school, creating a safe and supportive environment in which every child can flourish.  

Quality Assurance 

Our consultants will work with your school to ensure all systems are compliant and quality assured.  

We will ensure your record keeping systems adhere to the current Ofsted Inspection Framework and statutory legislation allowing you to reflect on the impact of safeguarding interventions and assess whether the appropriate course of action has been followed. We will provide assurance on whether effective escalation procedures have been followed where appropriate, ensuring that positive outcomes for children are at the centre of the school’s approach. 

Safeguarding Reports 

Governing bodies and executive boards have a duty of care to monitor safeguarding procedures in school, ensuring they are effective and comply with the law at all times.  

Our consultants will work with you to create reports and present them to governors, informing them of all safeguarding practices that are taking place within school, from the number of referrals sent to children’s services to Looked After Children, serious behaviour incidents, incidents of Child on Child Abuse and Early Help Assessments.  

With this clarity and insight, governors and trustees can accurately assess whether Designated Safeguarding Leads have the relevant resources, supervision and support to effectively promote the welfare of all pupils.   

Promoting your Safeguarding Culture 

To create a strong culture of safeguarding, every member of your school must have a clear understanding of their responsibility to protect children from harm and raise any concerns, confident in the knowledge they will be listened to and heard. 

With expert advice, resources and support, our team can help you to raise awareness amongst staff, pupils and parents, ensuring everyone is aware of the role they have to play in promoting the welfare of children.  

We can also help you measure the impact of safeguarding training, assemblies, workshops and briefings that have taken place, identifying areas of possible development.

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

Why choose One Education?

We have a large team of accredited and experienced professionals, including education practitioners, qualified counsellors, and supervisors trained by the NSPCC. With a deep understanding of safeguarding and associated legislation, we can support all members of your school, giving them the confidence to identify risks, raise concerns and effectively respond to challenges.


Our working relationships with senior leaders, governors and school staff are based upon professional challenge and the opportunities to learn and develop within the context of safeguarding.


What is safeguarding in schools?

Safeguarding in schools is the process of protecting children from harm and promoting their well-being. It’s a collaborative effort that involves all stakeholders including pupils, parents and staff, from teachers to lunchtime supervisors.

All schools must adhere to keeping children safe in education (KCSE). Safeguarding ensures a safe and supportive environment where children feel happy and can learn to their full potential. As teachers and staff are responsible for children’s wellbeing, safeguarding helps to identify and address any issues that could be affecting a child’s safety or well-being.

Every adult is responsible for keeping children safe in education, including;

All staff

Teachers, teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors, and any adult who comes into contact with children have a responsibility to be aware of safeguarding issues and report any concerns.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Every school has a DSL; a senior member of staff responsible for safeguarding. They are the point of contact for staff with concerns and oversee the school’s safeguarding procedures.

Contextual safeguarding recognises that children can be at risk from a variety of factors in their lives, not just abuse or neglect within the family home.

It includes things such as, criminal and sexual exploitation, online grooming, vulnerablility to radicalisation.

Contextual safeguarding is also referred to as extra-familial harm.

A safeguarding policy is a formal document that outlines the school’s procedures for protecting children. It details how staff should identify, report, and respond to concerns about a child’s safety.

Safeguarding is a broader term encompassing protecting children from harm and promoting their well-being. Child protection is the specific intervention when a child is believed to be at immediate risk of abuse or neglect.

Safeguarding helps to prevent child protection situations from arising.

DSL stands for Designated Safeguarding Lead.

CSE stands for Child Sexual Exploitation.

ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. These are potentially traumatic events a child may have experienced, such as neglect or abuse.

SCR stands for Serious Case Review. This is a process undertaken when a child dies or is seriously injured, and abuse or neglect is suspected, these are also referred to as Child Practice Reviews.

In schools, you may also see SCR used to refer to the Single Central Record, which is the record held by schools about their staff including DBS status, qualifications and training that they have accessed as well as statutory safer recruitment checks that have been undertaken.

CCE stands for Child Criminal Exploitation, a form of abuse whereby children are groomed into performing criminal acts such as dealing drugs or concealing weapons.

Early help refers to identifying and addressing concerns before they escalate into more serious problems. 

Child on child abuse refers to bullying, cyberbullying, or physical violence or sexual abuse between children.

Keeping Children Safe in Education states that staff should receive safeguarding training on beginning their role and then receive regular training and updates at least annually. The Designated Safeguarding Lead must access statutory training every 2 years.

The 6 principles of safeguarding are:

  1. Empowerment: Supporting children to protect themselves.
  2. Prevention: Proactive measures to stop harm from happening.
  3. Protection: Taking steps to protect children identified as being at risk.
  4. Partnership: Working together with parents, families, and other agencies.
  5. Proportionality: Taking action that is proportionate to the risk.
  6. Accountability: Taking responsibility for safeguarding children.

Evidence suggests that children with special educational needs or disabilities are 3.7 times more likely than their peers to become a victim or abuse or neglect.

It may be that a child who is socially isolated is therefore more susceptible to being groomed or radicalised online.

Or perhaps their communication difficulties and trust in adults and other children can make them more vulnerable. Safeguarding strategies are then put in place involving alternative communication methods, increased staff observation, and tailored procedures that consider their specific needs.

This is achieved through stronger partnerships between schools, families, and specialists to create a comprehensive support network for each child.

Ofsted seeks a school with strong safeguarding practices, evident in clear policies, trained staff, a capable DSL, open communication, and information sharing as well as a well embedded culture of safeguarding throughout the school.

They’ll also assess how the school tackles specific risks and maintains proper safeguarding records.

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