School Attendance

Meet Our Team

With our child-centred approach and addressing the root causes of absence and removing barriers to attendance

girl pupil smiling

Jess leads the team of Education Welfare and Safeguarding Advisors, ensuring we deliver the best service to schools, local authorities and multi-academy trusts, whilst putting the best outcomes for children at the centre of our approach. Jess has experience working in both the public and private sector to improve safeguarding outcomes and attendance of children and young people, with many years of experience as a Designated Safeguarding Lead and Education & Welfare Safeguarding Advisor.

Jess Lane

Head of Service School Attendance & Safeguarding

Chris provides support to schools and academies, working alongside head teachers and school staff regarding intervention strategies and whole school approaches to improve outcomes. She works directly with children, young people and their families offering advice and solution-focused case work with a multi-agency approach.

Chris Boden

Deputy Head of Service School Attendance & Safeguarding


Alyson Knowles

Senior Safeguarding Adviser

Ella is a qualified teacher and has worked in multiple roles across local authorities and public sector provisions, including early help. She works relentlessly with multi-agency professionals and school staff providing training, support and advice in all areas of child welfare, ensuring that the approach from all is child-centred. Ella has the ability to remove barriers to education for pupils across a range of settings and complex backgrounds, building positive working relationships with parents and carers through a strength-based approach.

Ella McCalman

School Attendance & Safeguarding Adviser (Attendance Specialist)

Adele supports schools through multi-agency approaches, analysis and reporting on pupil attendance data, recognising attendance patterns and trends to assist in meeting the needs of pupils with attendance issues. Adele can develop and enhance inclusive practice, providing knowledgeable guidance around legal framework.

Adele Edwards


Felicity has over 19 years' experience working within education and Local Authority social care, supporting and advocating for children, young people and their families. Fliss has worked within both primary and secondary settings across Manchester, with a focus on safeguarding and attendance, including EBSA support. Strengths include engaging hard to reach families and rebuilding trust in professionals, using an open and honest approach whilst remaining professionally curious. This results in achieving the best outcomes for children and their families.

Felicity Cameron


Esther worked as a Pastoral Manager in a school for three years, after which she worked for various Local Authorities in Special Educational Needs and Disabilities capacities. Having recently completed her Masters of Education in Psychology, Esther has a good understanding of the barriers to school attendance that pupils and their families face and is knowledgeable and experienced in addressing these barriers. Esther is especially interested in inclusive education and is well equipped to help develop inclusive schools cultures which encourage pupils to attend school.

Esther Pearce


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