Videos & Podcasts

Training Webinars

Our media gallery contains a wide range of video and podcasts from our education experts. Browse through our recorded training, webinars and podcasts or filter by our different services.

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Gov 19: School Finance Governor Responsibilities
Advice and guidance on governors' financial responsibilities including reviewing, approving and monitoring maintained schools' budgets.
Domestic Abuse Course – Part 3
Part 3 of the Domestic Abuse Course
Domestic Abuse Course – Part 2
Part 2 of the Domestic Abuse Course
Domestic Abuse Course – Part 1
Part 1 of the Domestic Abuse Course, Introduction to the course, Meet the Presenters followed by Part 1 in full.
Gov 16: Attendance
This session provides practical guidance on the questions that governors should be asking of school leaders and an understanding of school data.
Gov 15: Managing behaviour including pupil exclusions
Guidance on governors’ roles and responsibilities in the management of pupil behaviour and practical guidance on being a member of a governor panel to consider a pupil exclusion.
Gov 14: Governor Briefing January 2024
Updates on the latest developments in governance, information about best practice and policy information from the DfE.
Gov 13: Link Governors
This session provides guidance to understand your remit as a Link Governor and the questions and activities needed to fulfil your role.
Critical Incident School Response
Overview of the critical incident research project. Part one of four.
Safeguarding Podcast: Filtering and Monitoring
What should these two key elements of safeguarding look like within schools and their IT systems?
Gov 12: The Remit and Responsibilities of Governance panels
The remit and responsibilities of governance panels, including parental complaints, staffing matters and pupil exclusions, with best practice guidance for governors.
Gov 11: Academy finance
An introduction to academy funding, describing trustees’ and governors’ role in the financial management of academies.

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