Training Courses & Conferences

We are committed in delivering highly-valued training courses that enable teachers, support staff and leadership teams to feel positive and confident in their role.

Find the right training courses:

LEAD – A Leadership Network for schools and academies
LEAD - One Education’s Leadership Network offers three days of CPD, Networking and updates across the...
How to develop a whole school strategy for attendance
This training has been developed in partnership with Manchester City Council’s School Attendance Team in response...
Advanced Designated Safeguarding Lead Training
This training meets the two-yearly statutory training requirements for a DSL as stated in Keeping Children...
GOV 23 Relationships with Parents, Staff and Other Stakeholders
What does ‘stakeholder engagement’ for schools/trusts and governance boards look like?...
GOV 24 Are You Ready for Ofsted?
With an expectation that all schools will be inspected by 2025, this training considers how governors...
SEND and Alternative Provision Music Leads’ Network Meeting
One Education are delighted to be offering free termly network meetings and CPD sessions specifically for...
Year 3 and 4 Singarounds
We are delighted to announce that the One Education Singarounds for Years 3 and 4 will...
Year 3 and 4 Singarounds
We are delighted to announce that the One Education Singarounds for Years 3 and 4 will...
Advice and Guidance on Assessment Arrangements for KS2 and Phonics
Advice and Guidance on Assessment Arrangements for KS2 and the Phonics Check and the Moderation of...
Advice and Guidance on Assessment Arrangements for KS2 and Phonics
Advice and Guidance on Assessment Arrangements for KS2 and the Phonics Check and the Moderation of...
Moderating Writing in Year 6
A half day course to give Year 6 staff the opportunity to discuss pupils’ writing in...
Greater Depth Writing: A Whole School Approach
The course will unpick best practice in identifying greater depth writers and whole school strategies to...

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