The government’s Prevent Duty guidance, which became legal in 2015 and has been updated in recent years, outlines the specific authorities, such as education, who must ‘help prevent the risk of people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism’ (Prevent Duty Guidance). ‘It sits alongside long-established safeguarding duties on professionals to protect people from a range of other harms, such as substance abuse, involvement in gangs, and physical and sexual exploitation. The duty helps to ensure that people who are susceptible to radicalisation are supported as they would be under safeguarding processes.’
Sitting alongside our safeguarding responsibilities, the Prevent Duty supports with the prevention, early identification and response to children who are at risk of being radicalised. In 2024 the government made a change to the definition of extremism.
“Extremism is the promotion or advancement of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance, that aims to:
- (1) negate or destroy the fundamental rights and freedoms of others; or
- (2) undermine, overturn or replace the UK’s system of liberal parliamentary democracy and democratic rights; or
- (3) intentionally create a permissive environment for others to achieve the results in (1) or (2).”
GOV.UK 2024
When working in schools we often have conversations about children who are displaying worrying behaviours, are potentially vulnerable to being groomed, perhaps holding extremist views, or are talking about harming others they may have a grievance with. During these conversations we will often hear “but they aren’t a terrorist I don’t want to label them as one” or “I don’t think they would actually do it”.
Past and recent incidents show us that both children and adults are capable of committing extreme acts of violence, regardless of ideology. In education, we have a role to play in identifying these children and facilitating early intervention so that wherever possible, these acts are not followed through. Statistics show us that professionals do have concerns about children. In 2023 there were 6,819 referrals made to Channel (the multi-agency response to tackling terrorism) with 39%, the majority, being from the Education Sector and 31% of referrals being for children under the age of 14. Out of the referrals that were picked up and supported by Channel 46% of them were for children between the ages of 11-15 (Counter Terrorism Policing, 2023).
What could extremist behaviour look like in school?
- Children who appear to have extreme grievances against staff and/or students. Examples of this are children who have a ‘kill list’ or spend extensive time finding out personal details such as addresses of staff/pupils.
- Children who make threats to harm or bring weapons into school for ‘retribution’.
- Children presenting with extreme views, who will not engage with peers who do not hold the same views or will proactively encourage others to have the same beliefs as them.
- Using or excusing violence towards authorities such as the army or the police.
- Spending more time discussing political views and condoning the use of violence towards those with different views.
- Children may start talking about terrorist actions that they have seen in the media and appear to condone and positively identify with individual/group that has committed the acts.
- Children spending more time online and isolating themselves, accessing websites with extremist content which may flag up on your filtering and monitoring report.
- A change in behaviour or appearance- perhaps wearing clothing items that align with extremist groups.
- Displaying hateful language or behaviours towards specific groups or communities such as LGBTQ+.
It’s difficult to be certain a child’s behaviour means they are at risk or involved with terrorism but it’s always worth noting. Channel’s own guidance states that referrals will be assessed and triaged appropriately, and people should refer in even if they are unsure if it meets the criteria. The Prevent Duty is not just for people we know to be involved in terrorism it is ‘’intervening early by identifying people who are susceptible to radicalisation and providing support to those suitable for intervention.’’ (GOV.UK 2024).
So what happens once you make a referral?
Anyone can make a referral to Prevent, it does not have to be a professional.
You do not need consent to make the referral, consent will be gained if Channel agree the person is assessed as needing support from them.
Referrals can be made online, or using this downloadable form.
Counter Terrorism Policing North West (CTPNW) will triage the referral and one of three outcomes will be reached:
- Closed to Prevent – No Further action. The referral has been assessed, and it is deemed that the concerns don’t require any support from Prevent / Channel. This will then be signposted to an appropriate agency; this may be the referrer.
- CTPNW will manage the concerns raised. The case will be managed by the Police as they feel it is not appropriate for multi-agency support and want to manage the case more closely.
- A referral will be made to Channel via the GM Channel Team for multi-agency support.
Any safeguarding concerns are to be dealt with by school and should not be delayed whilst waiting for an outcome from the police.
If the person has been assessed as meeting the criteria for support from Channel, a multi-agency panel will hear the case, this panel is led by the police, children social care, education and mental health professionals. If the person doesn’t consent to support, it may be that the Police continue to monitor the risk.
Managing conversations with pupils
Prevent training is a statutory requirement in all schools under the Prevent Duty and it is crucial that all staff can demonstrate they understand their duty in preventing and identifying concerns around terrorism and extremism, and are aware of the need to escalate to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). The DSL in turn needs to be aware of the local authority’s recording and referring procedures when it comes to children in schools.
Schools have a responsibility to discuss terrorism, extremism and radicalisation with pupils which isn’t always an easy task. Creating a safe space for children to discuss this topic with clear guidelines of respectful understanding and challenge can be vital. Conversations can often come up when media outlets report on instances of terrorism and can provide an opportunity for open and honest conversations, in an age appropriate and sensitive way.
Utilising support that is available to schools such as those listed below will help staff in facilitating conversations. Schools cannot be the experts in everything and there can be a lot of pressure to get everything right, but there is support available.
Where can you get further support?
Here is a 7 minute briefing on Prevent, which can be shared with your staff team.

If you are a Manchester school and would like some advice you can contact the Local Authority Prevent team-
Alternatively contact the police confidentially on the Anti-terrorist hotline 0800 789 321. Report your concerns to
If you are concerned about imminent threat, you should always call 999
Useful links
Manchester Prevent Referral Form
Responding to Extremism Concerns in the Classroom
Please complete the form below and we will get in contact as soon as we can to help you with your query.