Teaching & Learning


Music is an essential part of every young person’s education, building children’s confidence, creativity, cultural capital, and other transferable skills which underpin success across the curriculum.  

Young Sounds Get Together

Case Study: Student Success Story - Music

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Products & Services

We provide an extensive range of services for schools and academies. These can be tailored to your requirements and we can provide a bespoke package incorporating one or more services.

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Music Lessons and Ensemble Support

Teacher and pupil at a piano

Music Lessons and Ensemble Support

The Department for Education’s National Plan for Music Education 2022 states that ‘every child should have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.’ Our Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET) offer will ensure learning is meaningful for each and every pupil, giving them the support to allow their musical talents to flourish. 

Our WCET package is designed to complement and support your wider school music curriculum, with pathways that allow children to continue growing as confident and experienced musicians. Our Music specialists can deliver fun and engaging lessons for a variety of instruments: 

  • Strings 
  • Brass (incl. PBones & PBuzz) 
  • Woodwind 
  • Percussion (incl. Steel Pans, African Drumming, Samba) 
  • Guitar and ukulele 
  • Music technology (iPads/Garage Band) 

We also offer a variety of performance opportunities to take part in, allowing everyone to celebrate all your pupils’ achievements, whilst inspiring a love of music and enthusiasm for learning.

Child playing tambourine

Instrumental and Vocal Tuition

Designed and delivered by our team of experienced teachers and professional musicians, our instrumental/vocal tuition and ensemble support will inspire all learners, regardless of age, needs, background or experience.

We offer tuition in a vast number of instruments, cultivating talent, skills and lifelong love of music:

  • Brass 
  • Keyboard 
  • Rock music 
  • Strings 
  • Percussion 
  • World music 
  • Woodwind 
  • Vocal tuition 
  • Guitar 
  • Music technology 

With expertly planned 1-2-1, small group and large group lessons, and ensembles, we can support pupils at every stage of their learning journey, from beginner level to advanced.

Pupils playing guitars

Music Curriculum Support for Primary Schools

Our experienced curriculum specialists can deliver engaging music curriculum lessons from Nursery through to Year 6.  

Curriculum specialists will deliver the National Curriculum requirements through a series of incremental, progressive and well-planned lessons, with a focus on singing; playing classroom percussion instruments; listening and appraising; improvising and composing.

Steel drum and beaters

Consultancy and CPD for Early Years and Primary Education

We can offer a range of consultancy and support to primary schools through EYFS, KS1 and KS2, including developing schemes of work, music leadership and staff insets.  

A bespoke programme of CPD can be designed on a termly or half-termly basis to support schools in the delivery and teaching of high quality, progressive music lessons.  

Our experienced and qualified teacher can work with music leads and class teachers in schools to develop confidence in teaching of the music curriculum through demonstration lessons and team teaching.  

Our music specialists are also able to work alongside music coordinators to help and support in designing a bespoke music curriculum for your school, or deliver staff meetings/inset training on a wide range of subjects as required.

Young child in music lesson

‘Polkadots’ Early Years Music Delivery

Music plays a vital role in the Early Years environment, nurturing children’s passion for learning and sense of belonging, whilst also supporting the development of language, literacy, social-emotional and motor skills.  

Our Polkadots programme has been expertly designed for children in EYFS and KS1, engaging them in music and improving their readiness for school. Sessions include, singing, playing percussion instruments, moving to music, puppets, and playing as a group. 

pupil playing conga

School Music Health Check and Deep Dive

Our School Music Health Check provides a thorough review of the provision of music at your school, including help to prepare for Ofsted and what to expect in a Deep Dive.  

This half-day consultancy is a must for all music leads, especially those new to post. 

Music teacher pointing whilst holding instrument

School Music Education Plan (SMEP) Visit

Our free School Music Education Plan visits allow music leads and senior leadership teams the opportunity to have a supportive conversation with an experienced music curriculum adviser.  

During the 1-hour meeting, the school’s strengths and areas for development in music are identified, from which a School Music Development Plan can be developed as recommended in the DfE’s National Plan for Music Education. 

Students playing Congas

Music Network Meetings

Termly meetings are held for primary music coordinators to get together, engage in CPD, and network with other colleagues and practitioners working in music education locally and nationally. 

We also hold termly meetings for Secondary music department staff, with simliar opportunties for growth and collaboration. These meetings will also feedback and steer on a range of events offered by the service

Child using touch pad white board

Music Technology

Our Music Technology workshops will open up new routes into the arts and creative industries for your pupils. Gaining practical experience, all pupils can learn how to arrange, compose, produce and record music. 

Offering bespoke training for staff, we can also help you thread music throughout the whole curriculum. Use Music Technology to generate opportunities for cross-curricular learning, whilst captivating and inspiring learners with the belief that they can create their own music.  

Teacher standing in front of pupils


Singing is a crucial part of the learning experience, increasing children’s confidence, self-esteem, and sense of belonging in school. Ensure your pupils have the opportunity to experience all the joys of singing whilst improving their vocal technique. 

Our vocal specialists offer a wide range of support, bringing your school to life with music.  

  • Singing lessons 
  • Singing assemblies 
  • Extracurricular choirs and vocal groups 
  • Large scale singing events for EYFS and Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 


With a variety of unique training opportunities and exciting events to choose from, we can also support staff with singing in school.

Teacher and pupil at a piano

Music Lessons and Ensemble Support

The Department for Education’s National Plan for Music Education 2022 states that ‘every child should have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.’ Our Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET) offer will ensure learning is meaningful for each and every pupil, giving them the support to allow their musical talents to flourish. 

Our WCET package is designed to complement and support your wider school music curriculum, with pathways that allow children to continue growing as confident and experienced musicians. Our Music specialists can deliver fun and engaging lessons for a variety of instruments: 

  • Strings 
  • Brass (incl. PBones & PBuzz) 
  • Woodwind 
  • Percussion (incl. Steel Pans, African Drumming, Samba) 
  • Guitar and ukulele 
  • Music technology (iPads/Garage Band) 

We also offer a variety of performance opportunities to take part in, allowing everyone to celebrate all your pupils’ achievements, whilst inspiring a love of music and enthusiasm for learning.

Child playing tambourine

Instrumental and Vocal Tuition

Designed and delivered by our team of experienced teachers and professional musicians, our instrumental/vocal tuition and ensemble support will inspire all learners, regardless of age, needs, background or experience.

We offer tuition in a vast number of instruments, cultivating talent, skills and lifelong love of music:

  • Brass 
  • Keyboard 
  • Rock music 
  • Strings 
  • Percussion 
  • World music 
  • Woodwind 
  • Vocal tuition 
  • Guitar 
  • Music technology 

With expertly planned 1-2-1, small group and large group lessons, and ensembles, we can support pupils at every stage of their learning journey, from beginner level to advanced.

Pupils playing guitars

Music Curriculum Support for Primary Schools

Our experienced curriculum specialists can deliver engaging music curriculum lessons from Nursery through to Year 6.  

Curriculum specialists will deliver the National Curriculum requirements through a series of incremental, progressive and well-planned lessons, with a focus on singing; playing classroom percussion instruments; listening and appraising; improvising and composing.

Steel drum and beaters

Consultancy and CPD for Early Years and Primary Education

We can offer a range of consultancy and support to primary schools through EYFS, KS1 and KS2, including developing schemes of work, music leadership and staff insets.  

A bespoke programme of CPD can be designed on a termly or half-termly basis to support schools in the delivery and teaching of high quality, progressive music lessons.  

Our experienced and qualified teacher can work with music leads and class teachers in schools to develop confidence in teaching of the music curriculum through demonstration lessons and team teaching.  

Our music specialists are also able to work alongside music coordinators to help and support in designing a bespoke music curriculum for your school, or deliver staff meetings/inset training on a wide range of subjects as required.

Young child in music lesson

‘Polkadots’ Early Years Music Delivery

Music plays a vital role in the Early Years environment, nurturing children’s passion for learning and sense of belonging, whilst also supporting the development of language, literacy, social-emotional and motor skills.  

Our Polkadots programme has been expertly designed for children in EYFS and KS1, engaging them in music and improving their readiness for school. Sessions include, singing, playing percussion instruments, moving to music, puppets, and playing as a group. 

pupil playing conga

School Music Health Check and Deep Dive

Our School Music Health Check provides a thorough review of the provision of music at your school, including help to prepare for Ofsted and what to expect in a Deep Dive.  

This half-day consultancy is a must for all music leads, especially those new to post. 

Music teacher pointing whilst holding instrument

School Music Education Plan (SMEP) Visit

Our free School Music Education Plan visits allow music leads and senior leadership teams the opportunity to have a supportive conversation with an experienced music curriculum adviser.  

During the 1-hour meeting, the school’s strengths and areas for development in music are identified, from which a School Music Development Plan can be developed as recommended in the DfE’s National Plan for Music Education. 

Students playing Congas

Music Network Meetings

Termly meetings are held for primary music coordinators to get together, engage in CPD, and network with other colleagues and practitioners working in music education locally and nationally. 

We also hold termly meetings for Secondary music department staff, with simliar opportunties for growth and collaboration. These meetings will also feedback and steer on a range of events offered by the service

Child using touch pad white board

Music Technology

Our Music Technology workshops will open up new routes into the arts and creative industries for your pupils. Gaining practical experience, all pupils can learn how to arrange, compose, produce and record music. 

Offering bespoke training for staff, we can also help you thread music throughout the whole curriculum. Use Music Technology to generate opportunities for cross-curricular learning, whilst captivating and inspiring learners with the belief that they can create their own music.  

Teacher standing in front of pupils


Singing is a crucial part of the learning experience, increasing children’s confidence, self-esteem, and sense of belonging in school. Ensure your pupils have the opportunity to experience all the joys of singing whilst improving their vocal technique. 

Our vocal specialists offer a wide range of support, bringing your school to life with music.  

  • Singing lessons 
  • Singing assemblies 
  • Extracurricular choirs and vocal groups 
  • Large scale singing events for EYFS and Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 


With a variety of unique training opportunities and exciting events to choose from, we can also support staff with singing in school.

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

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This sleep exercise offers relief for people who wake in the middle of the night and struggle to get back to sleep.

Why choose One Education for Music?

The One Education Music service is delivered by teachers and professional musicians who each bring their experiences working across hundreds of schools and trusts.

Eager to share their passion and expertise, our team will help you to raise the profile of music at your school. Together, we can embed music into your culture and community to truly broaden the learning experience. 

Our Partners

Young Sounds support talented young people from low income families, helping them to overcome financial and social barriers. Supporting musicians from across the UK to fulfil their musical potential

Arts Council England Logo

Arts Council England champion, develop and invest in artistic and cultural experiences that enrich people’s lives. They support activities across the arts, museums and libraries.

Family Arts Standards Logo

The Family Arts Standards are helping families to find arts activities that are suitable for all ages; they cover the basic considerations for families visiting an arts experience.

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