School Spring Census 2022

This is a reminder to all schools; census day is on Thursday 20th January.
The Reading Framework: Implications for Leadership and Practice

Read ahead to discover our top ten takeaways from the new Reading Framework released by the Department for Education.
World Book Day 2021: Building a love of books virtually

Every year, the first week of March brings World Book Day! This year, things are a little different to say the least. Although this week brought news of full school opening and the roadmap out of all this, we’re still faced with a World Book Day in lockdown.
This blog will bring you lots of resources that will enhance your World Book Day, whether it is celebrated at school or at home.
Digital Platform Funding – Ending Soon!

With remote learning for all schools becoming the norm over the past 12 months, it has become increasingly important to implement the most effective digital platform for your school. Read this blog to find out more about the digital platform funding and how to take advantage of it before it expires!
Teaching Reading Skills: Retrieval

We read constantly, not just words, but emotions and images. What unites most of our daily reading is that we read to retrieve information. Unless you read for pleasure vociferously, you are more than likely spending more time reading for information than you are for pleasure. Your primary reason for reading is retrieval.
Complete Comprehension for KS1

“We’re thrilled to have been asked to write for Schofield and Sims, sharing our knowledge of the teaching of Reading with a wider audience.”
Helping our customers to work remotely

Many of you have contacted us to discuss remote working and so we have put together some useful advice on how to maintain teaching and learning whilst working remotely.
The Importance of Early Reading

We all know the importance of reading and as such many schools have put much time and effort into developing their Reading curriculum.
Opening an encrypted email from One Education

One Education is committed to ensuring that the data of the customers and young people we work with is secure and protected. As part of this commitment we use the industry standard security platforms provided by Egress ( to ensure when we do have to send sensitive information, it is done so using a trusted platform used by governments, security organisations and fellow educational services alike.