The Power of Author Visits

A banner for National Authors Day.

We recently celebrated National Authors Day, a day intended to honour those who put pen to paper to entertain and inform, but how can we extend the reach of authors in school?

EYFS and KS1: What We Learned in the Last Academic Year

A girl playing with dolls and a toy rocket.

Goodbye 21-22, and hello 22-23! As we settle into the new term, we take the time to look back on the lessons we’ve learnt in Early Years and KS1, and think about how to use them to improve teaching and learning this academic year.

Ofsted’s Research Review of English: Our Top Takeaways for Schools

A girl writing at her desk in the classroom.

Designed to bring together a picture of the national context, with their summary of current research into factors that can affect the quality of education in English, the review explores curriculum progression, pedagogy, assessment and leadership. Here are our top takeaways.

National Share a Story Day

Five children sitting on a windowsill and reading books.

May is National Share a Story Month. It is a celebration of stories and reading and how powerful storytelling can be.

Using Books to Support Conversations About Current Events

A girl reading a book, sitting in front of shelves of books.

Books, texts and stories have amazing power, particularly for starting conversations about challenging themes. Right now, the invasion of Ukraine is at the forefront of everybody’s minds, and naturally children have questions and worries about the situation. Books can be a great way of starting a conversation about a challenging topic, as well as supporting and reassuring children.

Talking to children about the Ukraine and Russia conflict

A teacher and pupil playing with a toy.

Many children will be returning to school after the Half Term and will have lots of questions around the current controversial conflict between the two countries, Ukraine and Russia. It is really important, as school staff, we raise awareness to try and manage the impact that this maybe having on our children and young people.

You Are a Champion: Planning and Resources

Marcus Rashford's book, You Are A Champion: How to be the Best You Can Be.

One Education’s planning and resources aim to give educators a starting point in suggesting ways Marcus Rashford’s You Are a Champion can be used to develop children’s confidence, build resilience and support in striving to be the best version of themselves.

Autumn School Census 2021

A secondary school student outside the school building.

As we approach October it can mean only one thing..the Autumn School census! The Autumn Census will take place on Thursday 7th October 2021. All schools should be on the latest version of SIMS 7.20 and will have applied the Workstation Patch 1.

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