Return to Work After Long Term Sickness
Guidance on returning to work after long term absence.
Professional Standards for Teaching Assistants
Advice and guidance.
IR35 Pre-Assessment
Pre-assessment support for hiring payroll workers in the payroll sector.
IR35 Off Payroll Guidance
IR35 Off Payroll Guidance.
IR35 (Off-Payroll Workers) Information For Schools
IR35 (Off-Payroll Workers) Information For Schools.
Implementing Your School’s Approach To Pay
Implementing your school’s approach to pay. Advice for maintained schools and local authorities.
Ill Health Retirement Process
Ill health retirement process.
Ill Health Retirement LGPS Guidance
Guidance about staff retiring due to ill health.
Ill Health Retirement LGPS Guidance – Academies
Guidance about staff working in academies retiring due to ill health.
Ill Health Retirement Flowchart – Teachers
Teachers Pensions Ill Health Retirement process applicable to all schools and academies.