Supporting Children with Health Needs: Everything you need to know

Following recent updates to DfE guidance, this blog sheds light on the role and responsibilities of schools to ensure that children with health needs receive the quality education they deserve.
Statutory Policies for Schools and Academies
Statutory policies for schools and academies.
SEND Governance Review Guide
LLS SEND Governance Review guide.
Searching Screening and Confiscation Guidance
DfE – Searching, screening and confiscation.
Relationships Education RSE and Health Education
Statutory guidance for governing bodies, proprietors, head teachers, principals, senior leadership teams, teachers.
Reducing Workload In Your School – Evaluating the Impact
Reducing workload in your school – Evaluating the impact.
Policy Schedule – Maintained Schools
Policy schedule for Maintained Schools.
Policy Schedule – Academies
Policy schedule for Academies.
Parental Engagement Guidance Report
EEF Parental Engagement Guidance Report.
NGA – Code of Conduct for Single Schools
For governing boards in local authority maintained schools.