Supporting Students with EBSA

Children's feet walking along colourful plastic stepping stones in the playground.

For some pupils, school can become a source of overwhelming anxiety, leading to Emotional Barriers to School Attendance (EBSA). Find out how creative psychotherapy can support pupils to overcome these challenges and thrive emotionally and academically.

Your Weekly Sector News 13/09/24

A young woman helping some children with educational activities

Stay up to date with the latest news and developments in education. This week, we reflect on the teacher retention and recruitment crisis, the vulnerabilities of children missing from education, and the pandemic’s enduring impact in schools and trusts.

Your Weekly Sector News 06/09/24

Welcome back to a brand new school year! We hope you are refreshed and ready for the return to school. We know many of you will be busy with back-to-school activities, so we’re here to help you catch up with the latest sector news and prepare for the year ahead. 

Celebrating Reading for Pleasure

girl pupil reads from book

As we prepare for National Read a Book Day and International Literacy Day, we share ideas on how you can celebrate books and inspire a love of reading that lasts a lifetime!

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