Preparing Your Financial Year End 2018/19

Schools have to close their current financial year 2018/2019 accounts to Manchester City Council by Thursday 18th April 2018. As Easter holidays fall before the deadline there will be a tight turn around in order for your school to meet the LA deadline.
Excessive Internet Use and Mental Health

For young people today, the vast majority of them do not know life without the convenience and accessibility of the internet.
Are young people spending more time online and that is causing the difficulties with their mental health or are young people feeling lonely, disengaged and turning to the internet? Nevertheless, high internet use and negative affect appear to be related.
Education system agreed by all

Watching the politicians exchanging views, releasing reforms and generally disagreeing over Academy and Free school systems has been like watching a dull game of ping pong with no time limit on the match. However it seems that after weeks and months of dispute and disagreements one thing has become clearer, Academies and Free Schools are here to stay.
Conducting Safeguarding Self Assessments

Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018) states that all establishments should ensure that their staff’s safeguarding training is up to date and current. A way of doing this is for schools to self-assess their current school policy and procedures.
If you are unsure of how to conduct an effective self-assessment or would like to know more, then we can help support your School or Academy.
What is Video Interaction Guidance?

Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) can be used as an intervention, in place of assess, plan, do and review consultations or for professional development. It is a flexible approach that can be tailored around a child’s and/or schools’ particular needs.
VIG gives individuals a chance to reflect on their interactions, drawing attention to what already works and helping them to make changes that they want to make.
Technology, the internet and how to stay safe

With ‘Safer Internet Day’ on 5th February fast approaching, I believe this is a perfect opportunity to really take a long hard look on how we use and manage our online habits and the habits of the children around us.
Children as young as 3 had their own smartphones, and children as young as 5 had their own social media profiles. This trend is continuing and the number of young children accessing internet content is only going to grow.
Dealing with Severe Weather

We are advised by the national weather service that we can expect further snowfalls over the next few weeks potentially leading to disruption across the region. This blog is simply to highlight the procedures we advise a school to follow should the weather deteriorate severely at any point.
Snow closures Vs. no snow closures

Due to the recent extreme weather and more predicted on its way, are you prepared if it affects you? There are mixed feelings amongst school staff about the benefits of the hard work involved in adopting a business as usual approach at times of extreme weather.
Read our Top Tips for SLA renewals

The financial year is quickly coming to an end. A school full of reenergised pupils and a pile of post on your desk, pulling out your renewals can sometimes seem like a huge task. In a world full of articles on procurement, it’s difficult to find the best way to do it. Here are some top tips to making it easier.
Cheetwood choir given huge praise

Cheetwood choir has had a very busy week indeed!
On Sunday 18th November, the choir performed in the world premiere “These Days – The Manchester Peace Song Cycle” at Heaton Hall and then took part in a repeat of the performance at the Royal Northern College of Music on Wednesday 21st November to a packed concert hall.