Messages around equality must not be diluted

A man sits in front of his computer, as a woman answers the phone beside him.

Senior HR Manager, Laura Clark, reviews recent events around the teaching of LBGT inclusive relationships education in primary schools. She discusses the new RSE Regulations and schools’ duties under the Equality Act 2010 and explains why schools must continue to teach in accordance with equality law.

A Cello Revolution has started!

Students standing with their cello instruments.

Over 30 new cellists at Chorlton Music Centre on Saturday were introduced through a series of inspirational school workshops, led by One Education’s music tutors, Victoria Groves & Robert Wheatley.

Be prepared for ‘Stand Up to Bullying’ Day

A young boy wearing a hat, standing in the playground with his friends, and looking at the camera behind him.

As the UK ‘Stand up to Bullying Day’ is on the 13th of June 2019, it’s time for your schools to start thinking about how you are going to raise awareness around bullying, how it occurs and what people can do about it. The idea of the day is to essentially tackle bullying and support those involved.

Let us be the extension to your HR team!

A woman writing notes at a staff meeting.

HR issues, particularly with employment law and safeguarding, continue to play an increasingly important part in school and academy life. We are offering a new way for in-house HR Managers to engage with our services.

The S Code – Study Leave for your Pupils

A woman's hand writing with a pen, a stack of paper on the table next to her.

One of the specific questions that is asked at this time of year is regarding study leave. It is the schools decision whether they wish to grant their pupils study leave but it should not be granted by default once the exam syllabus is complete.

Why DSL Training Is Beneficial For Your Staff Members And Your School

A secondary school student walking towards the school building.

The Statutory guidance 2018, requires every school to have a designated safeguarding lead so that safeguarding can be a priority. DSL training is designed for staff working within a safeguarding role and is put together to ensure that those who deal with safeguarding issues, are fully equipped with the knowledge to cater for and meet the needs of children and families

H&S measures during severe weather conditions

A man and woman in a school setting, holding two way radios.

This blog provides a basic framework to guide Head Teachers in establishing minimum control measures to support schools to operate during severe weather related to levels of snow, ice and reduced temperatures.

Great potential for positive change in mental health & well-being

Three members of staff gathered around a table, looking at some documents.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 takes place from Monday 13th to Sunday 19th May.The theme for 2019 is Body Image. Our Specialist Educational Psychologist, Dr. Lynne Wadsworth, has written an article about mental health and well being to raise awareness for this year’s Mental Health Awareness week.

Reasonable adjustments to invisible challenges

A teacher and early years pupil colouring in together.

The phrase ‘reasonable adjustment’ is often used in regards to altering the content or style of academic work in order to match the requirements of different pupils. However, it seems as if there is an oversight of the pupils with special education needs (SEN) stemming primarily from social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties.

The Power of Sharing Stories

Three children gathered around a table and reading a book together.

National Share-A-Story Month (NSSM) is an annual celebration that takes place throughout the month of May. It provides the perfect opportunity to recognise the importance of storytelling and story sharing, bringing families and friends together.

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