Safeguarding during COVID-19

For most schools, today will mark the second week of being closed to the majority of pupils and as we know, this has presented a number of challenges for schools, especially around safeguarding.
How can teachers deliver virtual classrooms to their pupils?

There have been some questions on how teachers can deliver their classrooms online in an efficient and realistic way. This also includes the infrastructure that schools may need to put into place to facilitate that work to be carried out effectively.
Working From Home – a personal view

This week I have read so many blogs, seen posts on social media and of course have been watching on the news the impact of the Corona Virus on everybody all over the country and the world. It’s a difficult time for everyone; there isn’t a single person who hasn’t been affected in some way by this global pandemic and let’s face it, it’s worrying, upsetting and is extremely hard for all of us.
Leading School Development through Collaboration

Check out this blog written by our Head of School Development & Literacy, Jo Gray, for Nexus Education. We are so excited for the Nexus Awards 2020 on the 21st February and to hear Jo’s speech! Here are some simple steps to ensure that a collaboration is effective for Leading School Development.
How Important Are School Websites?

In our modern times, so many people are dependent on the internet for information that traditional print media has almost become a thing of the past. That means your school website is almost as important as the school itself.Â
One Education’s Head of Marketing Services shares her thoughts about the importance of school websites, how they are beneficial, and what makes one stand out from the rest.Â
Ensuring that everyone is aware of children’s online activity

There are a lot of resources available that cover internet safety and as practitioners, we are confident in educating our young people on how to stay safe online. The majority of safeguarding concerns that are raised with regards to children’s online activity often stem from a lack of awareness from parents about what their child is accessing on the internet.
SENCo Workload Survey Update

The National SENCo Workload Survey was undertaken in October 2018. The same research team have since undertaken a review of the survey (October 2019) to explore what impact the report has had on SENDCos and, as a consequence, outcomes for children with additional needs. The new report is summarised in this blog.
How can we safeguard young people against forced marriage?

Forced Marriage is a form of abuse which is covered under Honour Based Violence. It is a criminal offence and a serious abuse of a person’s human rights. Forced Marriage is still happening to young people all over the UK. What can schools do to safeguard them from this? And how do we report our concerns around Forced Marriage?
Inclusion outside of the classroom

James Traynor, our Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Adviser, wants to start looking beyond lesson content, differentiation and classroom practices, and focus on how we, as practitioners ensure that every pupil feels socially included within our school communities.
Supporting our Supercar learners!

I recently attended the ADHD Conference at the ADHD Foundation. I will share with you my thoughts and reflections on the day. I will also include resources you may find useful if you are an Educational Practioner working with children and young people with ADHD.