Silence is Not Golden: The Importance of Improving Oracy

The education community needs to act to prioritise the teaching and learning of Oracy, so that all children develop their own voice. What is Oracy? Why is it so important? What do we need to teach? What can we do to improve Oracy? Read our 6 steps.
Looking after yourself as a parent and teacher in the time of Covid 19

During this difficult time, when stress and anxiety levels are heightened, looking after yourself becomes essential, not a luxury.
Writing for Reality Using the P.I.C.C a Text Approach

Our P.I.C.C. a Text approach to planning focuses on using a quality text, such as Somebody Swallowed Stanley, to inspire real writing: writing that gives children purpose and the ability to make choices about how they write.
Coronavirus: Effectively supporting staff working at home

The Government’s social distancing policy makes it clear that staff should work at home wherever possible. This has immediately changed the way we work for the foreseeable future, and possibly in the longer term. Here, we briefly outline steps you can take to proactively support your staff during this challenging period.
How do HR Managers survive Lockdown?

We are all having our ups and downs at the moment. Take a moment to read this honest, relatable and uplifting personal reflection from our Senior HR Manager, written four weeks into the COVID-19 isolaton period.
Keeping children motivated during lockdown

Parents have been faced with not only looking after their children at home but also providing education. And this includes keeping them motivated while isolating. How can we keep children focused while they continue to study and also provide them with productive activities?
Complete Comprehension for KS1

“We’re thrilled to have been asked to write for Schofield and Sims, sharing our knowledge of the teaching of Reading with a wider audience.”
National Offer Day 2020 – Primary School Places

The 16th of April is National Offer Day, meaning that parents across the UK will be finding out what primary school place their child/children have been offered for the next school year, starting September 2020.
Helping our customers to work remotely

Many of you have contacted us to discuss remote working and so we have put together some useful advice on how to maintain teaching and learning whilst working remotely.
SIMS Update

We would just like to acknowledge your hard work and commitment to keeping your schools open for key workers and can confirm that our SIMS helpdesk will remain open albeit remotely to continue helping you with any SIMS issues you may have during this unprecedented time.