OneWellbeing: Our brand new service!

A group of children in the playground, smiling.

In September 2020, One Education is proud to launch our multi-disciplinary wellbeing offer, OneWellbeing. A service designed to holistically support educational settings in the area of mental health and well-being; for pupils, staff and the parent community.

Returning to School: Attendance Top Tips

A teacher smiles as she helps a boy in class.

I don’t think it needs to be said that we really are living in strange times currently. Many people describing it as ‘living in history’. We are all facing the prospect of schools re-opening and creating the new ‘normal’. So, here are some helpful tips to guide you along that journey.

Safeguarding Supervision for EYFS

A teacher and early years pupil colouring in together.

Safeguarding Supervision is something we are hearing about more frequently as workloads and responsibilities for school safeguarding staff continually increase. Supervision aims to support staff who work in a safeguarding capacity to be able to manage the emotional components to their role and reduce professional isolation.

The Importance of a Good Transition

A boy completing homework.

Transition is a tricky time for all children but it will be especially challenging this year. A good transition can mean the difference between floundering and flourishing. As such it is crucial to get it right. So, what can we do to make transition work?

Performance Management Appraisal Process 2019-20

A man and woman in a business setting, sitting at a desk and looking at documents.

Come September 2020, how will the annual appraisal and performance management cycle be fairly applied due to the unprecedented covid-19 crisis? How will you reach the decision whether or not a teacher has met their performance targets? Are they entitled to a pay award in accordance with the school’s pay policy due to the period of school closure?

Support Young People Mental Health and Wellbeing In Lockdown

A boy sitting in a beanbag, reading a book.

This week is our national Mental Health Awareness week that comes around annually. This week however is different to all of the previous years, as this awareness week also falls on our 9th week of Lockdown in the UK, as a result of Covid-19. It is no secret that as a result of the lockdown, most of us have struggled some what with our mental health and this includes our children too. Have a look at these tips and suggestions.

How we’ve been supporting Governors and their schools

Teachers sitting around a table at a meeting.

Despite the lockdown, the Governor Services team is continuing to support governors across the schools and academies with which we work. At a time when school leaders and staff are responding to new challenges, when we are all being asked to work in new and different ways, the positive support that governors can provide to their schools is key.

Teaching Reading Skills: Retrieval

A boy reading a book.

We read constantly, not just words, but emotions and images. What unites most of our daily reading is that we read to retrieve information. Unless you read for pleasure vociferously, you are more than likely spending more time reading for information than you are for pleasure. Your primary reason for reading is retrieval.

The Impact of COVID 19 has had on the therapy profession

A schoolboy colouring a yellow triangle.

As we negotiate the many changes to our daily lives, including the millions of people now working from home, operating new technology whilst managing home schooling their children, what has happened to the mental health professionals who were supporting vulnerable pupils and families within the school setting?

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