Key considerations in school staffing restructures

Children's feet walking along colourful plastic stepping stones in the playground.

After the strangest and challenging year in Education it is likely that your focus has been on COVID survival and not reviewing your staffing structure, however the time has come to undertake a review for 21/22. The review will ensure your staffing structure is relevant to the school’s current needs and priorities and its future vision, strategy and direction.

ICT Spring Release Update 2021

A woman in the school office, working on the computer.

FMS and SIMS release has been authorised to all schools who purchase their SIMS License through One Education. Read the full update for further documentation and what changes to expect as part of the Spring 2021 release of FMS.

National Offer Day 2021

A young boy wearing a hat, standing in the playground with his friends, and looking at the camera behind him.

The 16th of April 2021 is National Offer Day for primary school places across the country. Starting at school is a huge milestone within a child’s life, which is both exciting, but also a potentially daunting time. The process of applying for school places can also be quite stressful for parents, especially if you don’t receive the news you want on the 16th April.

Sexual Abuse and Harassment

A teenage boy standing alone in a school corridor, looking at his phone.

The Government with the support of the NSPCC have launched a review into sexual abuse and harassment in schools and educational settings. This will take place in conjunction with a support line to provide help, support and guidance for both children and adults who have been victim of sexual abuse and harassment. Read this blog for further details as well as an Ofsted review and assessment.

Teaching Writing Effectively: Modelled Writing

A boy writing at his desk with a teacher nearby.

Teaching writing is complex, and teaching it effectively is challenging. To teach writing well, we have to consider every aspect of the writing experience and crucially, model how to write. Read this blog to understand what effective modelled writing should look like.

Teaching Reading Skills and Strategies: Inference

Reading is complex. As adults, we often forget what it means to read as it has become automatic to many of us. However, for children, who are not yet automatic readers, we must consider how best to teach them the skills and strategies of being a fluent reader. Our previous blog in this series focused on the teaching of retrieval, but the reading skill that children often find most challenging after this is inference.

How Changes To Offenders Rehabilitation Could Impact Schools

A woman's hand writing with a pen, a stack of paper on the table next to her.

You may well be aware that there have been some significant changes in legislation that will have an impact on your assessment of individuals applying for positions in schools. The amendments are complex and school leaders must understand the changes in legislation and how they will impact on school practice with regards to recruitment and selection.

Read this blog to gain a better understanding around these recent changes.

Using Diagnostic Assessments to Identify Learning Priorities

governors meeting in school setting

Despite the fact that every single member of school staff has worked tirelessly to provide quality education during the pandemic, we know that learning has suffered. We know that we need to put significant energy into recovery… But where do we start?

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021

Children lining up in the playground, with a young girl smiling at the front.

For International Women’s Day 2021, we are taking the opportunity to celebrate the inspirational women who work for One Education and the work they do to empower school leadership teams and teachers to enhance the quality of education for young people.

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