Sexual Harassment in Schools

A teenage boy in a school corridor, leaning against a cabinet.

Following the ‘Everyone’s Invited’ campaign, started by Soma Sara in June 2020, Ofsted have undertaken a review of sexual abuse in schools. Their findings were published in a report in June this year.

Equality Policies and Training: More than just good practice

Smiley faces to represent different emotions, including happy, sad, and others.

It’s been a busy year for equality. It seems never a week goes by when discrimination and harassment don’t feature in the news. The campaigns around Black Lives Matter and Everyone’s Invited; the controversial Report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities; the disproportionate impact of COVID on people with disabilities; the increase in ageism; issues around gender inequality; the debate around trans rights… the list goes on.

The Power of Education

Pupils' letters displayed in the classroom.

The power of education has been recognised long before it happened within a structure, a system or anything that resembled a school as we know them today. Let’s delve into the importance of education and the impact it has on our children.

Men’s Health Week 2021

A child's feet stepping on colourful, plastic stepping stones in the playground.

This week is Men’s Health Week. Never before has looking after our physical and mental health been so important. This blog outlines opinions from 3 men working in key roles within the education sector on matters relating to mental health and why there should be more of a focus to support our male colleagues.

Supporting Wellbeing Through Supervision

A teacher smiles as she helps a boy in class.

During this year’s Mental Health Awareness week its important to recognise that its not just about the children, the parents or the families we support and work with – It’s also about YOU & it’s also about ME! One of the ways we here at One Education Support safeguarding teams and staff in schools is through Supervision. What is supervision? Read this blog to find out!

Looking to the Future: How can we build back better?

A young girl playing on outdoor equipment in the playground.

The pandemic has shone a light on our collective strengths and weaknesses and, as a profession, we need to capitalise on the lessons we’ve learned whilst looking to the future. Read this blog for more about the importance of securing foundational learning, the impact of diagnostic assessment and the widening of professional development opportunities.

Assessment for Primary Schools Tracking System in SIMS

Hands typing on a keyboard.

We are delighted to inform you that ESS have released a new primary school assessment system that comprises a set of integrated marksheets, analysis reports and data dashboards. Read this article for an in-depth look.

Nutrition to support our mental health

A young boy enjoying his school dinner.

This week presents us with ‘Mental Health Awareness week’. This blog will examine an often overlooked intervention when it comes to looking after our mental health, nutrition. Science informs us that there is a direct link between the foods we eat and our mental health.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2021

Three boys sitting on the grass outside and laughing together.

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 and awareness & action are incredibly important at the moment. What are some of the things we should be looking out for? What can we do to help? Where can we start? Read this blog for support around mental health.

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