Your Weekly Sector News 12/08/22

School finance documents.

Read ahead to find out the latest trends and developments in education. As the new school year approaches, we discuss anticipated updates to policy and guidance, and consider the pivotal role that teachers play in shaping our children’s future.

Your Weekly Sector News 05/08/22

A girl practicing writing letters on the whiteboard.

Keep up with the latest developments in education with One Educations’ Weekly Sector News.

This week, we discuss equal access to sports and the pandemic’s effects on the attainment gap, prompting us to consider the steps we must take to continue to achieve equity across the education sector.

Your Weekly Sector News 29/07/22

A woman writing in a notebook.

Catch up with the latest developments in education with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we are reminded of the difficult decisions facing leaders in education, as we reflect on school financial pressures, the complexity of inclusion, and the emergence of a fully trust-led system.

Your Weekly Sector News 22/07/22

A secondary school student outside the school building.

Congratulations to everyone for making it through another school year. Despite the challenges we have faced as a sector, we are so proud of all that we have achieved, giving children and young people all the skills, knowledge, and opportunities they need to flourish and succeed.

According to this week’s headlines, it looks like another challenging year in education lies ahead, so remember to make the most of the summer and stay informed with Your Weekly Sector News.

Your Weekly Sector News 15/07/22

School leaders and teaching staff at a meeting.

Catch up with Your Weekly Sector News as we reflect on the current challenges in education, ranging from the pressures of teacher assessed grades to the chaos of this year’s exam season.

Your Weekly Sector News 08/07/22

A teacher and pupil playing with a toy.

There is never a dull moment in education, nor in politics – especially when the two overlap. As this week draws to a close, we hope to see more stability and cohesion in the weeks that lie ahead. But whatever the future holds, you can always rely on One Education to keep you up to date with the latest news, trends and developments.

‘Unprecedented times’

Secondary pupils sitting an exam.

So, in these uncertain times (unprecedented once again), you can at least be certain of us, our commitment to the education sector, and our unwavering support in helping you with what matters most: #puttingchildrenfirst

Your Weekly Sector News 01/07/22

A boy with headphones at the computer.

Developing strategy and making decisions is part of the daily routine of leaders in education, so it is important to stay informed on the latest news and developments. From musical ambitions to government u-turns, we cover it all in Your Weekly Sector News.

Super snacks for busy brains

A pair of hands taking cucumber out of an open lunchbox, where there are sliced vegetables and bread. Around the lunchbox, there are grapes, bread and a banana on the table.

For all staff who work in a school, finding the time to ensure that breaks are properly taken and nutritious food is consumed can sometimes be lower down on the priority list.

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