Celebrating the Benefits of a Poetry-Rich Curriculum

National Poetry Day is taking place on Thursday 6th October this year, on which we are encouraged to read, share, write and celebrate poems.
Your Weekly Sector News 30/09/22

Stay prepared for the emerging challenges in education with Your Weekly Sector News, as we discuss the next steps in post-pandemic recovery and the financial pressures facing schools as they strive to meet the needs of their pupils.
Literacy Conference 2022: Literacy Rich Experiences

With a wonderful venue, amazing speakers, the chance to visit handpicked exhibitors and the opportunity to network with other English leads, the One Education Literacy Conference 2022 is not one to be missed! This year, we will be focusing on how schools can support Literacy Rich Experiences. Read ahead to find out more.
EYFS and KS1: What We Learned in the Last Academic Year

Goodbye 21-22, and hello 22-23! As we settle into the new term, we take the time to look back on the lessons we’ve learnt in Early Years and KS1, and think about how to use them to improve teaching and learning this academic year.
Your Weekly Sector News 23/09/22

Never miss out on the latest policy and sector developments with Your Weekly Sector News at One Education. Read ahead to discover more details about the Energy Bill Relief scheme, the latest insights from education think tanks, and why teachers’ unions are taking the government to court.
‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ – Is your school ready?

Whilst many schools will already be practising the expectations set out within the document, they will also need to be aware of their roles and responsibilities and to ensure staff receive training on attendance.
Your Weekly Sector News 16/09/22

At One Education, we recognise how important it is for school leaders and teachers to stay informed and keep up to date with sector developments. Read ahead to find out what the latest research tells us about children’s reading engagement and governors’ perspectives on multi-academy trusts.
Ofsted’s Research Review of English: Our Top Takeaways for Schools

Designed to bring together a picture of the national context, with their summary of current research into factors that can affect the quality of education in English, the review explores curriculum progression, pedagogy, assessment and leadership. Here are our top takeaways.
Your Weekly Sector News 12/09/22

Welcome back to the new term! We hope you have enjoyed your first week back in school, meeting pupils, reconnecting with colleagues, and bringing fresh ideas to the classroom.
Back with our Weekly Sector News, One Education will ensure you are ready to face the new school term, keeping you up to date with the latest trends and developments.
Your Weekly Sector News 19/08/22

In the ever-changing world of education, it is important to keep up with the latest trends and developments. At One Education, we will help you stay ahead of the curve with our weekly sector news.