Your Weekly Sector News 26/05/23

A girl sits in front of a computer with headphones on, other school children sit at their computer stations behind her.

Find out what’s been hitting the headlines in education with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we shed light on teachers’ pay, the problem of staff mental health, and the numbers of looked-after children missing from education.

How will coaching benefit my school?

A male teacher smiling at pupil.

In this blog, we explore what coaching really means, including how it works in an educational context and the many benefits it can bring to your school.

Your Weekly Sector News 19/05/23

Early years pupils smiling.

Keep up to date with the latest trends in education with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we reflect on the nation’s global ranking in reading, plans to extend the school week, and new measures to tackle post-pandemic absence.

Leadership in Education Conference 2023

A banner for the Leadership in Education Conference.

A huge thanks to everyone who made it to the Leadership in Education Conference 2023. It was a pleasure to meet you all and we are delighted to say the day was a huge success!

Don’t worry if you missed it – read ahead to find out about the inspirational and heartfelt discussions that took place throughout the day, as school leaders gathered together to reflect on the future of education.

Your Weekly Sector News 12/05/23

A teacher and a group of pupils playing a game of Connect 4 in the classroom.

It is a busy time for schools and trusts across the country, as SATs week comes to an end, whilst secondary schools and sixth-forms prepare for GCSE and A Level exams. But with Your Weekly Sector News, you never have to miss out on the latest updates in education.

Read ahead to find out about relationships and sex education, the rise in pastoral support, and the barriers to teacher training.

Your Weekly Sector News 05/05/23

A red pot full of coloured pencils, pens and rulers.

Discover what lies ahead in the world of education with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we discuss the upcoming reform pilot for a more inclusive system, changes to exam grades, and the latest trends in retention and recruitment.

Your Weekly Sector News 28/04/23

A teacher helping a girl in the classroom.

Stay informed and up-to-date with Your Weekly Sector News, as we prepare for emerging challenges in education. Read ahead to find out more about plans for industrial action, cuts to school spending, and expectations for high-quality trusts.

Your Weekly Sector News 21/04/23

A teacher and pupil learning maths from the whiteboard.

In the news this week, we reflect on the profound relationship between staff wellbeing, pupil welfare and educational outcomes. Read ahead to learn more about changes to the inspection process, the rise in safeguarding referrals, and the creation of new attendance hubs.

Your Weekly Sector News 14/04/23

A teacher speaking to a young pupil as they write in their class book.

Learn more about emerging challenges and opportunities in education with Your Weekly Sector News. In the headlines this week, we reflect on the working lives of teachers and leaders, relationships and sex education, and the shift to a fully trust-led system.

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