Transitioning to Paying By BACS

A woman sitting at a desk with paperwork and a laptop, using a calculator.

Due to rising costs and digital trends, more suppliers are leaving cheques behind in favour of BACS. In this blog, we reflect on our knowledge of the UK’s most common payment method, giving schools the confidence to make the transition to BACS.

Your Weekly Sector News 21/07/23

School children sitting at computer desks.

The summer break is finally here! As the school year draws to a close, take the time to catch up with Your Weekly Sector News. This week’s edition sheds light on the new commission guidance for academy trusts, Ofsted deep dives, and more!

One Education Reading Award

Two girls sitting on the floor, reading books in their laps.

Learn how to build a culture of reading with the One Education Reading Award. With criteria and expert guidance, our Reading Award will put your school on the roadmap to success.

Meet the Team: Jeni Goodfellow-Pemsel

Jeni stands in front of a screen as she delivers a workshop to delegates.

Our success is built on developing strong relationships with schools, emphasising honesty, integrity, and always putting children first. We are proud to introduce you to members of our team and provide an opportunity for you to get to know them better.

Your Weekly Sector News 14/07/23

In an office, two women looking at the pages of a book.

In the ever-changing world of education, recent developments have sparked debate across the sector. Dive into Your Weekly Sector News to learn more about the teacher pay rise, the High Court ruling on “strike-breaking” legislation, and what we learned from SATs results.

Your Weekly Sector News 07/07/23

A teacher, with a young girl and boy, looking at a globe on a desk in the classroom.

Stay informed with Your Weekly Sector News, sharing the latest updates and insights from the industry. In this edition, we explore the public’s perception of schooling in Britain, the widening attainment gap for looked-after children, and more.

Enabling Environments for Children with SLCN

A teacher holding up word-picture cards, with labelled images of a frog and a log.

Enabling environments are commonly associated with Early Years, but they can also be weaved throughout the key stages to support learners with speech, language and communication needs.

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