Your Weekly Sector News 23/02/24

Two children playing in school.

One Education is proud to bring you Your Weekly Sector News, ensuring you never miss out on the latest updates in education. Discover more about the teacher pay review, rising trends in pupils leaving state education, and a new safeguarding requirement. 

Raising Awareness of Forced Marriage

A school girl smiling in the playground

Discover why raising awareness of this illegal practice is an important aspect of safeguarding. Read ahead to learn more about the signs and indicators and how to report your concerns.

Your Weekly Sector News 16/02/24

Classroom Geography

Stay prepared for what lies ahead in the world of education with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we reflect on equal access to extracurricular activities, new guidance on school place planning, and the challenges of flexible working in schools.

Your Weekly Sector News 09/02/24

A child holding open the pages of his workbook.

Keep up with the latest sector and policy developments with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we discuss alternative routes into teaching, wraparound care in schools, and the alarming rise in mental health emergencies amongst children and young people. 

HR KPIs in Education – A review and oversight

teacher using smartscreen in class

Whilst KPIs are common in every business, Human Resources key performance indicators (HR KPIs) are metrics specifically used to measure how HR is aiding and contributing to the success of a school or multi-academy trust (MAT).

Your Weekly Sector News 02/02/24

A teacher and pupil learning maths from the whiteboard.

One Education is proud to be your go-to source for sector news and information. Join us for the latest edition of Your Weekly Sector News, as we delve into the latest trends in education policy, research, and technology. 

Avoiding Burnout as a Designated Safeguarding Lead 

male teacher smiling

The Designated Safeguarding Lead plays an incredibly valuable role in school, but it is not without its challenges. Learn how to avoid burnout and continue to achieve the best possible outcomes for your pupils in this blog.

Your Weekly Sector News 26/01/24

A printed worksheet with numbers on a desk, surrounded by plastic letters.

Keep up with the latest developments in education with Your Weekly Sector News. This week, we discuss plans to expand early years provision, digital leadership guidance, and school buildings in need of repair. 

Unlocking School Success: The Power of Flexi Data Manager

A woman looking through files whilst sitting at a computer in the office.

In education, data can be used as a driving force to raise standards and pupil attainment – but only when it is managed effectively. Find out how the Flexi Data Manager service can support your school on the way towards data-driven school improvement.

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