Publications & Documents

We have provided a wide range of additional resources to support you in your role. Please select an area of interest to browse and download the documents.

Some resources can only be accessed via membership. If you are interested in accessing any of these areas, please complete our enquiry form.

Find the right documents:

Guide to Oracy Across the Curriculum
Guide to Oracy Across the Curriculum
Oracy Award Accreditation Criteria
Oracy Award Accreditation Criteria
Oracy Progression of Skills
Oracy Progression of Skills
Oracy Teacher Self Assessment
Oracy Teacher Self Assessment
Peters Book List – Oracy through Quality Texts – EYFS and KS1
Peters Book List - Oracy through Quality Texts - EYFS and KS1
Peters Book List – Oracy through Quality Texts – KS2
Peters Book List - Oracy through Quality Texts - KS2

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