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A red pot full of coloured pencils, pens and rulers.
Books lined on a shelf in the library

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A boy raising his hand in the classroom.
New Changes To Teaching ‘Sex & Relationships’ In Schools
Some of you may be aware of recent controversy that a primary in Birmingham has recently faced regarding teaching children...
A teenage boy in a school corridor, leaning against a cabinet.
Fight against knife crime and safeguard your pupils
Knife crime is a growing concern across the country and has been expressed all over social media and the news,...
Jazz musicians performing on stage.
Integrate: A One Education Music Jazz Ensemble
The new One Education jazz group known as Integrate may only be one year old, but they have already developed...
ICT and MIS Support
A girl holding a tablet, whilst a teacher sitting beside her points towards the screen.
ICT and MIS Support
Our Latests SIMS Update (14/03/19)
The latest SIMS Release (Spring 2019) is on schedule for 15th March 2019. Our website is updated regularly for our...
School children stand together on stage, a music teacher holds a microphone towards a boy.
Bringing over 5,000 children together to sing in unison
The health benefits of music and singing have been well documented. When we sing we release endorphins, the feel-good brain...
A girl holding a tablet, whilst a teacher sitting beside her points towards the screen.
The Momo Challenge – Hoax or not
Whether momo is a hoax or not – use this as a wake-up call to realise what kids can be...
Educational Psychology
A boy sitting in a beanbag, reading a book.
Educational Psychology
What is therapeutic yoga and mindfulness?
Learn more about what therapeutic yoga and mindfulness involves, and how these practices can support your learners....
School Finance
Coins scattered on a table.
School Finance
Preparing Your Financial Year End 2018/19
Schools have to close their current financial year 2018/2019 accounts to Manchester City Council by Thursday 18th April 2018. As...
Educational Psychology
A girl wearing headphones, playing a game on a computer.
Educational Psychology
Excessive Internet Use and Mental Health
For young people today, the vast majority of them do not know life without the convenience and accessibility of the...
A secondary school student walking towards the school building.
Education system agreed by all
Watching the politicians exchanging views, releasing reforms and generally disagreeing over Academy and Free school systems has been like watching...
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