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Educational Psychology
A boy sitting in a beanbag, reading a book.
Educational Psychology
What is therapeutic yoga and mindfulness?
Learn more about what therapeutic yoga and mindfulness involves, and how these practices can support your learners....
School Finance
Coins scattered on a table.
School Finance
Preparing Your Financial Year End 2018/19
Schools have to close their current financial year 2018/2019 accounts to Manchester City Council by Thursday 18th April 2018. As...
Educational Psychology
A girl wearing headphones, playing a game on a computer.
Educational Psychology
Excessive Internet Use and Mental Health
For young people today, the vast majority of them do not know life without the convenience and accessibility of the...
A secondary school student walking towards the school building.
Education system agreed by all
Watching the politicians exchanging views, releasing reforms and generally disagreeing over Academy and Free school systems has been like watching...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Team
A woman's hand writing with a pen, a stack of paper on the table next to her.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Team
Conducting Safeguarding Self Assessments
Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018) states that all establishments should ensure that their staff’s safeguarding training is up to...
Educational Psychology
A man and student sitting at a desk together.
Educational Psychology
What is Video Interaction Guidance?
Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) can be used as an intervention, in place of assess, plan, do and review consultations or...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Team
A teenage boy in school uniform, standing in the school corridor on his phone.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Team
Technology, the internet and how to stay safe
With ‘Safer Internet Day’ on 5th February fast approaching, I believe this is a perfect opportunity to really take a...
HR Support
A man dialling a phone.
HR Support
Dealing with Severe Weather
We are advised by the national weather service that we can expect further snowfalls over the next few weeks potentially...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Team
A signpost in the playground, pointing the directions to different areas in school.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding Team
Snow closures Vs. no snow closures
Due to the recent extreme weather and more predicted on its way, are you prepared if it affects you? There...
School Finance
At a desk in the school office, a man points at the computer, whilst a woman looks at the screen.
School Finance
Read our Top Tips for SLA renewals
The financial year is quickly coming to an end. A school full of reenergised pupils and a pile of post...
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