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Using theory, research and evidence-based practice to promote inclusion, embrace diversity and transform the life chances of children and young people.
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A one-stop resource hub designed to support schools and other settings to promote inclusion in all its forms.
The toolkit was written in response to Manchester’s Inclusion Strategy promise to schools to:
Manchester’s updated Inclusion Strategy (2022-2025) can also be downloaded using the link below.
Carrie Bray and Amy Burns from the One Education Educational Psychology Service introduce Manchester’s Inclusion Strategy and the Inclusion Toolkit. They also provide important recent updates to the toolkit to those already familiar and an overview to anyone new to this resource.
The first section of the toolkit provides an overview of Manchester’s vision for inclusion and the guiding principles which inform this vision. This is a helpful section to read in full.
At the end of section one of the toolkit you will find a clickable links table which acts as a hyperlinked contents page so you can navigate the document easily.
The second section provides a description of the five evidence-based approaches Manchester endorses as being supportive of whole-school inclusive good practice. The aim is that at least one of these approaches would fit well with the existing ethos and practice of your school or would be an area for development in the future.
The final three sections consist of a range of chapters that cover a wide array of additional needs (academic, medical and pastoral) that are a ‘dip in as needed’ resource bank full of helpful hyperlinks to teaching resources, videos, audit tools and much more.
This toolkit is meant to be an easily accessible document which all staff in school might be able to make use of. The toolkit is an evolving document which will be updated each year – the document on this webpage will always be the most up to date version so it’s worth checking back here to see if anything new has been posted.
The audit tool guides you to consider practice in eight key areas to prioritise first in order to enhance inclusion:
Inclusive education removes the barriers to participation and achievement. It respects diverse needs and abilities and eliminates discrimination. Inclusive education systems are ones where children’s rights are understood and respected.
Government guidance emphasises the requirement for schools to understand, demonstrate and embed inclusive practices throughout their environment, ethos, curriculum and teaching.
Manchester City Council endorses the view that inclusion is a continuous process of development, review and adjustment. ‘Inclusion’ is an ongoing journey towards equity of educational access. The benefits of self-evaluation, peer review and reflective practice are widely known.
The audit tool will help you to identify which areas you need to prioritise first to enhance inclusion. This tool has been created as part of Manchester’s Inclusion Strategy work to support schools in their inclusion work.
The tool recommends standards in order to meet the eight principles for mental health in education settings and can help your school to develop an action plan to develop your whole school mental health approach.
Below are some additional resources to support you.
The free resources look at six different key approaches and why they are important to your school and supporting your pupils. They also ask you to consider important questions and suggest how currently strategies can be adapted in order to support pupils in school.
Below are additional webinars to support you in your school setting. To recieve your password and access the webinars free of charge, send an email to inclusionstrategytoolkit@oneeducation.co.uk
Carrie Bray and Amy Burns from the One Education Educational Psychology Service talk about understanding and supporting emotional regulation in the classroom and universal and targeted approaches that can be implemented in the whole school system. This webinar is also linked to the Inclusion Toolkit and Strategy.
Claire Carroll and Abigail Sterne from the One Education Educational Psychology Service explore understanding the post Covid impact on our teaching staff, our children and their families. Taking consideration of strategies for post-pandemic teaching and pastoral support in light of the long waiting lists for external services.
Carrie has been an EP for over 17 years and has worked as part of specialist, community and multi-disciplinary teams. Prior to qualifying as a psychologist, Carrie worked in children’s social care, taught and subsequently worked as a headteacher in specialist schools for children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs. Carrie has worked closely with Manchester City Council to develop the Inclusion Strategy Toolkit and is passionate about seeking ways to ensure all children/young people across the city feel a sense of belonging to both their education settings and their communities.
Amy is an HCPC-registered senior practitioner EP who, throughout her career has worked hard to promote the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people, their families and the adults who work with them in their education settings. As part of the Inclusion Strategy EP Team, Amy has had extensive involvement in the writing of the Toolkit, delivery of training and whole school systemic inclusion work. Other professional interests include: developmental trauma, supporting the needs of adopted children and young people, and systemic whole school mental health support.Â
Lydia is an EP who is passionate about promoting equitable education for all children and young people. She is committed to raising awareness and addressing barriers to equitable outcomes, school experiences, and sense of belonging in her work. In her role, she works with both mainstream and specialist SEMH schools, and contributes to the inclusion strategy, through developing the Inclusion Toolkit and delivering citywide SEMH school consultations.
Sarah qualified as an EP in 2023 and her doctoral research was about emotional barriers to school attendance (EBSA) and taking a preventative whole school approach. This research has been published and shared through trainings and workshops. Sarah is a member of a North West EBSA project group and has worked closely with Manchester City Council to rewrite their EBSA guidance with links to updated research.
To speak to a member of the EP Inclusion Team please contact inclusionstrategytoolkit@oneeducation.co.uk
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