Inclusion, School Development

Rethinking KS1: Inspiring Children’s Learning training programme – Various dates and times

Introductory programme price includes all sessions and resources


Firm foundations shouldn’t stop being developed at the end of EYFS. As educators, we understand the pivotal role of play in early childhood development and its impact on lifelong learning – The Rethinking KS1 programme is designed with this in mind.

As this programme is NEW for the academic year 2024-2025 the programme is being offered at an introductory price.  The dates of the programme are: 10th & 16th October 2024, 4th December 2024, 5th March 2025, 18th June 2025 and a follow up session on 16th July 2025.  

The programme is designed to challenge traditional thinking and introduce approaches that align with the developmental needs of young learners, linking to research, child development theories and neuroscience. The programme includes: one session for Head teachers, 4 sessions for teachers spread out across the academic year, optional intersessional tasks, a drop in session, a follow up session, plus many useful resources and documentation that have been developed over time with educators in mind.

The programme ensures that we explore your intent, implementation and the impact of what you are planning during your own journey in KS1 with support from the facilitators during every step of the way. Participants will have the opportunity to network with peers during the sessions, fostering a collaborative environment for sharing insights and best practice. Moreover, participants of the programme will be invited to join a wider community of forward-thinking KS1 practitioners, extending the conversation and influence beyond the boundaries of our sessions, ensuring you can ask questions at any point.



The sessions will be facilitated by Jo Gray who will draw upon her wealth of experience and knowledge of supporting schools and academies in this area, along with her own experience from the classroom. Jo is passionate about the power of play, the importance of inclusion, and the magic of skills for life-long learning. She is completing her MA Educational Leadership focusing on the decision’s that leaders take in continuing play based learning beyond EYFS. She has also written and delivered training about play based learning to many (whoever will stand still for long enough) including the Chartered College of Teaching. Within the sessions you will also hear from school and academy colleagues who serve in different communities so that you can hear about the journeys that other schools have been on in KS1.

Our Rethinking KS1 programme encourages you to embrace the journey towards a transformative educational approach where play is not just encouraged—it’s recognised as essential.


What else?

Included in the training is a variety of useful resources to guide you on a journey, including a lengthy document created with other practitioners, which details every statutory objective for the foundation subjects and Science and gives suggestions as to how the National Curriculum can be delivered through play.

In between sessions there will be opportunities to engage in optional tasks which are designed to support you in your journey of Rethinking KS1.

In addition to the below included in the programme is an option to attend an online drop in session where you can ask the questions pertinent to your journey. (There will also be the opportunity to ask these questions during the sessions). There is a final session to help action planning going forward, and there is the opportunity to join a group where you can ask questions at any time during your journey.

If required, delegates can receive a certificate for completing the Rethinking KS1 programme.

Finally, as part of “Rethinking KS1 – Inspiring Children’s Learning” series there is the opportunity to purchase development days with our consultants to provide advice and support around learning in KS1.


More information about each session

(Some sessions are available to book onto individually without resources or as part of the wider programme*)


Rethinking KS1 Head Teacher’s Session – 10th October 2024

This is an essential webinar for Head Teachers to attend if their team are thinking of embarking on a journey within KS1. The session will provide up to date research about how children aged 5-7 learn best. It will summarise what your team will explore during the following training sessions and, in addition, we will explore resources which will ensure you can be confident that the changes taking place in KS1 are as effective as they can be. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions within the session.

Rethinking KS1 Session One –  The journey into KS1 – 16th October 2024*

When children leave reception and enter KS1 there is no switch that automatically changes children’s brains to effectively learn through traditional teaching, as opposed to learning through play. Child development and neuroscience explains that children learn best through play until the age of 7. This session will explore how play can be so powerful beyond EYFS and how teachers in KS1 can implement this. All suggestions will still ensure children learn the statutory national curriculum, however this will be through a much more engaging and motivating way.

Rethinking KS1 Session Two – Connecting the Curriculums – 4th December 2024*

Continuing from the first workshop, session two will explore how children can learn all that is expected of them from the KS1 National Curriculum without ignoring the characteristics of effective learning from EYFS. We will dive into ways in which we can create exciting, inspirational learning opportunities that support the national curriculum and align with research informed practice to ensure children continue to build on their learning from EYFS.

Rethinking KS1 Session Three – Effective use of assessment in KS1 – 5th March 2025*

Effective assessment is a cornerstone of powerful learning and ensuring we use it to identify gaps and support individual learners is essential in excellent teaching. This session will explore best ways to do so whilst considering child development and where children are in their learning journey. We will explore how the changes to the EYFS Framework in 2021 and changes to the KS1 Statutory Assessments for 2024 are reducing paperwork and recording without clear outcomes. We will focus on how we can observe, have child development conversations, and adapt our practice and provision in accordance to what is seen to ensure that all children’s unique needs are continued to be met as children transition into KS1 and beyond.

Rethinking KS1 Session Four – Enabling environments and Role of the adults in KS1 – 18th June 2025*

This session is designed to deepen understanding around the pivotal role adults have in facilitating meaningful and purposeful interactions in the classroom environment. The session will provide strategies to enhance and scaffold the nuanced ways in which adults can support children in KS1 – looking at observations, intentional planning, child development conversations and frameworks to ensure children can develop skills for life. We will also consider how educators can create enriching, effective learning environments beyond the initial transition into KS1.

Rethinking KS1 Drop in Sessions

Delegates can choose a selection of dates for a virtual drop in session between session Two and Three. You will be able to book onto these during Session One.

Rethinking KS1 Follow up Session – 16th July 2025

Delegates are invited to attend a follow up session after Session Four to discuss where they are in their journey, any strengths and challenges, along with the opportunity to consider an action plan for taking it further.


Next Steps

There will be the opportunity to attend follow up sessions the following academic year and become involved in our working group.


Who’s it for? 

KS1 teachers, KS1 lead, Senior Leaders, Headteachers


Age phase: 

EYFS and Primary


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