These sessions provide you with the opportunity to discuss pupils’ reading and maths assessments in line with PKS and WTS end of Key Stage 2 expectations with other SEND Schools. Experienced moderators will facilitate the discussion, ensuring that the course provides delegates with up to date Key Stage 2 statutory assessment arrangements for Reading and Maths as well as practical advice for pupils’ next steps.
The session will focus on the importance of engaging in professional conversations with colleagues to aid in developing consistency within assessment for Reading and Maths (writing focus will be at a later session).
All delegates should bring with them evidence from across the curriculum for at least three children as the majority of the course will be spent assessing and discussing work with colleagues.
These Clusters are free of charge for Specialist Settings in Manchester Local Authority. Please note: Places at each venue are limited so please do book early. If you are not from a Specialist Setting but feel you would benefit from attending, please get in contact with before booking a place for us to discuss.
Please note that there will be a session with a Writing Focus on 21st May.
Who’s it for?
Year 6 Practitioners
Age phase: