Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding

How to develop a whole school strategy for attendance

This training has been developed in partnership with Manchester City Council’s School Attendance Team in response to the statutory DfE guidance “Working together to improve school attendance”.



This training has been developed in partnership with Manchester City Council’s School Attendance Team in response to the statutory DfE guidance “Working together to improve school attendance”.

The half-day session will support attendance leads and school leaders with creating and embedding a clear strategic approach to tackling poor attendance and punctuality within schools and academies. The training will include insight to:

– Whole school roles and responsibilities within attendance

– How to effectively share data so that the impact of interventions is measured appropriately

– Appropriate use of coding and recording of registers

– Implementing appropriate rewards and incentives

– Embedding effective safeguarding practice within attendance procedures


This training is not to be confused with our usual “Pupil Attendance Training” – it is a one-off session which has been advertised by us and MCC as part of their Traded Services Offer to schools. 



Who is it for? 

MANCHESTER SCHOOLS ONLY – Head teachers, Senior Leaders and Attendance Leads


Age phase 

Primary & secondary

Exterior view of Alexandra House office building
One Education, 5th Floor, Alexandra House, 133 Moss Lane East, Hulme, Manchester, M15 GX.
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