A training session for SEN Schools to explore end of KS1 standards focusing on Pre-Key Stage 1-6 and WTS KS2. (Please note this session will cover all PKS standards but will have a more in-depth focus on PKS 5 and 6)
The training will cover:
· An update regarding key messages from STA and the local authority regarding reading, writing and maths
· Using the Pre-Key Stage Standards and the Teacher Assessment Framework to make accurate assessments of pupils’ Reading, Writing and Maths
· Making best use of the STA’s training materials for end of KS2
· How to hold professional discussions within internal and external moderation
This course is free of charge for Specialist Settings in Manchester Local Authority. Please note: Places at each venue are limited so please do book early.
If you are not from a Specialist Setting but feel you would benefit from attending, please get in contact with before booking a place for us to discuss.
Who is it for?
Year 6 Practitioners
Age phase