Educational Psychology, EYFS

Emotion Regulation and Emotion Coaching for Early Years

This training draws upon the theoretical and neuroscience background regarding the development of self-regulation. This is part of MCC’s ‘flying start’ project (previously known as Kickstarter)



This training draws upon the theoretical and neuroscience background regarding the development of self-regulation. We will explore the Shanker Method to enhance self-regulation in children. As well as providing a 5-step framework for co-regulating and developing children’s emotional literacy. We will use these theories and models to build your understanding of supporting children with their emotional regulation in your everyday practice.


There will also be follow up sessions to support the implementation of strategies shared during the training.


Virtual Group solution circle session – These are bookable slots. A solution circle is a structured problem -solving process that draws upon the knowledge and experience of a designated group to work together to generate solutions around a particular concern/issue that is being experienced.


Who is it for? 

Schools: Private nursery staff

Age phase


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