HR Support

Conducting Effective Return to Work Interviews – Breakfast Briefing

Staff absenteeism is directly related to academic outcomes and the emotional well-being of children. Add to this huge costs and inconsistent supply of quality agency staff, unplanned absence can cause real disruption to daily school life.




Staff absenteeism is directly related to academic outcomes and the emotional well-being of children. Add to this huge costs and inconsistent supply of quality agency staff, unplanned absence can cause real disruption to daily school life.

Reacting to unplanned staff absence proactively really can make all the difference to reducing future attendance issues. Return to Work interviews are a hands-on, practical approach to nipping attendance issues in the bud at an early stage and go a long way to promoting staff well-being. Whether it be the Winter blues, seasonal illness or something more serious, effective Return to Work interviews uncover issues and help to identify potential solutions in a supportive way. They give managers an early opportunity to identify any reasonable adjustments and hopefully deter employees from having regular patterns of poor attendance.

The briefing session will cover:

  •  Gaining better insight into the reasons and nature of absences
  •  Uncovering issues and identifying potential solutions
  •  Monitoring absences and spotting trends
  •  Considering reasonable adjustments and when to refer to Occupational Health
  •  Deter further attendance issues
  •  Reiterate expectations and set targets for improvement


Who is it for?   

All Managers in Schools including SLT and SBM

Age phase 




Hough End Centre
The Hough End Centre, Mauldeth Road West, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 7SX.
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