Super snacks for busy brains

A pair of hands taking cucumber out of an open lunchbox, where there are sliced vegetables and bread. Around the lunchbox, there are grapes, bread and a banana on the table.

For all staff who work in a school, finding the time to ensure that breaks are properly taken and nutritious food is consumed can sometimes be lower down on the priority list.

Healthy Eating Week: Eat well for you and the planet

A collection of fruits and vegetables together, including apples, grapefruit, red bell peppers, carrots and potatoes.

Today marks the beginning of Healthy Eating Week. This is an annual initiative launched by the British Nutrition Foundation to encourage healthy lifestyles. This blog explores this campaign and offers helpful tips on how you can integrate them into your daily life.

OneWellbeing: Our brand new service!

A group of children in the playground, smiling.

In September 2020, One Education is proud to launch our multi-disciplinary wellbeing offer, OneWellbeing. A service designed to holistically support educational settings in the area of mental health and well-being; for pupils, staff and the parent community.