Kinship Care  

Girl pupil smiling in playground

Learn more about your responsibilities as a school to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in kinship care.

Advanced Designated Safeguarding Lead Training

The Nest

This course is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Advanced) training for any school or college DSL or senior leader who is experienced in the role. This training meets the two-yearly statutory training requirements for DSLs as stated in Keeping Children Safe in Education and gives a deeper insight into the role and requirements.

Advanced Designated Safeguarding Lead Training

The Nest

This course is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Advanced) training for any school or college DSL or senior leader who is experienced in the role. This training meets the two-yearly statutory training requirements for DSLs as stated in Keeping Children Safe in Education and gives a deeper insight into the role and requirements.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training – CPD Certified

Blackely Golf Club

This essential training for all designated safeguarding leads will refresh your knowledge of how to respond to and refer concerns and disclosures of abuse. It outlines the statutory safeguarding responsibilities of schools and academies in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, as well as Ofsted expectations and recognised good practice.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training – CPD Certified

The Nest

This essential training for all designated safeguarding leads will refresh your knowledge of how to respond to and refer concerns and disclosures of abuse. It outlines the statutory safeguarding responsibilities of schools and academies in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, as well as Ofsted expectations and recognised good practice.

Designated Safeguarding Lead Training – CPD Certified

Blackely Golf Club

This essential training for all designated safeguarding leads will refresh your knowledge of how to respond to and refer concerns and disclosures of abuse. It outlines the statutory safeguarding responsibilities of schools and academies in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, as well as Ofsted expectations and recognised good practice.

Advanced Designated Safeguarding Lead Training

Blackely Golf Club

This course is a Designated Safeguarding Lead (Advanced) training for any school or college DSL or senior leader who is experienced in the role. This training meets the two-yearly statutory training requirements for DSLs as stated in Keeping Children Safe in Education and gives a deeper insight into the role and requirements.

Pastoral Safeguarding Training

Exterior view of Alexandra House office building

This course is a Pastoral Safeguarding Training, aimed to enhance knowledge and awareness of members of school staff who have any pastoral responsibilities for pupils in school. The training will be suitable for staff working in attendance, pastoral teams, heads of year, form tutors, SEND teams, family support, outreach and phase leaders.

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