Fostering Reading for Life: The Importance of Reading at Secondary SchoolÂ

Consider how you can support pupils to continue to build fluency, make meaning and strengthen their enjoyment of reading throughout their time at secondary school.
Recommended Reads: Winter 2025 Â

In this blog, our Literacy team shares their latest book recommendations, giving you all the inspiration you need to enrich your school’s reading curriculum offer.Â
Developing a Whole School Reading Culture with the One Education Reading Award

Find out how the One Education Reading Award can help schools to improve their reading offer, equipping every child with the tools they need to become passionate and proficient readers.
Reading Gems Part 1: Our reading approachÂ

The One Education Reading Gems is an approach to teaching reading which ensures all aspects of reading are embedded across the curriculum. Read ahead to learn more about our approach.
Reading Gems: A spotlight on the Importance of Book ClubÂ

Learn how to deliver Book Club sessions in school to promote children’s reading for pleasure. Includes free resources to support teaching and learning!
Case Study: Writing Curriculum

Find out how our Literacy experts worked with Chapel Street Community Primary School to create a bespoke Writing curriculum tailored to meet children’s needs and raise attainment.
Greater Depth Writing: A Whole School Approach

The course will unpick best practice in identifying greater depth writers and whole school strategies to support their development over time, through whole class teaching, intervention, and accurate assessment.
Celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week 2024Â

World Nursery Rhyme Week is a chance to celebrate nursery rhymes and the role they play in children’s early development and education. In this blog, we explore how you can use nursery rhymes to support oracy in the classroom.
The Oracy Education Commission FindingsÂ

A summary of the Oracy Education Commission Findings, supporting schools on the next step of their oracy journey. Written by Alice Pepper, sharing expert insights and free resources.
Recommended Reads: Autumn 2024Â

In this blog, our Literacy team shares their latest book recommendations, giving you all the inspiration you need to enrich your school’s reading curriculum offer.