Case Study: Secondary Reading Award 

Books lined on a shelf in the library

Find out how the One Education Secondary Reading Award has supported Prospere Learning Trust to strengthen their reading provision, supporting leaders and teachers to improve outcomes for all. 

The Importance Building of a Reading Rich School Environment

A school boy smiling as he reads his book.

Reading is all around us. We encounter print in a huge variety of forms day to day, both at school, at home, and everywhere in-between. What does a reading rich environment look like? In order to really interrogate our reading environments, we need to consider three areas of school: classrooms, the library and the wider shared school environment.

Teaching Reading Skills and Strategies: Inference

Reading is complex. As adults, we often forget what it means to read as it has become automatic to many of us. However, for children, who are not yet automatic readers, we must consider how best to teach them the skills and strategies of being a fluent reader. Our previous blog in this series focused on the teaching of retrieval, but the reading skill that children often find most challenging after this is inference.

Spring Recommended Reads 

books in library

As the dark nights fade and the days become brighter, it’s time for a spring clean! Get started with refreshing your book shelves as we share our favourite latest page-turners.

The EAL Learner

Teacher and pupil looking at papers

Find out how to create an environment where EAL children feel empowered to use both their first and second languages as tools for learning and communication.

Enabling Greater Depth Writers 

A teacher helping a girl as she writes in her work book.

Learn what you can do to ensure that children with the potential to become greater depth writers are given the tools and opportunities they need to excel in writing. 

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