School Spring Census 2022
This is a reminder to all schools; census day is on Thursday 20th January.
Changes to SIMS Annual Entitlement and Support from April 2022
From 01 April 2022, ESS (formerly Capita) will contract for SIMS Annual Entitlement directly
with all schools who are currently using SIMS under the Manchester City Council ‘umbrella’
licence. The agreement will have a 3-year term and will enable Local Authority maintained
schools to access the new, cloud-based core SIMS features, at no additional cost.
DfE Focuses on Improving School Attendance
The Education Secretary has asked his department to do a ‘deep dive into what is happening with PA and look at absences pre pandemic and they identified a decline in overall school attendance.
School Workforce Census 2021
We are approaching yet another census, this time it is the School Workforce Census. This will take place on Thursday 4th November 2021.
Goodbye Capita, Hello ESS
We are slowly coming to the end of the road with Capita, although ESS is continuing to detach itself from Capita, by rebranding itself and to remove all references to the former owner, for the SIMS users it is business as usual.
Covid Impact on Pupil Premium
The Impact of COVID has undoubtedly affected many aspects of the education sector, not least the financial impact that has been created for many schools.
Early Years Foundation Stage Revised Framework SIMS 7 Sept 2021
You may have already heard that the framework is changing from September 2021 and want to know what the changes are and how they affect you.
Assessment for Primary Schools Tracking System in SIMS
We are delighted to inform you that ESS have released a new primary school assessment system that comprises a set of integrated marksheets, analysis reports and data dashboards. Read this article for an in-depth look.
ICT Spring Release Update 2021
FMS and SIMS release has been authorised to all schools who purchase their SIMS License through One Education. Read the full update for further documentation and what changes to expect as part of the Spring 2021 release of FMS.
How Bromcom Vision X can help your school
Bromcom Vision X provides an online portal for analysing and collating data from multiple schools. Find out the benefits of having it in your school.