Data Protection Toolkit for Schools
Open Beta: Version 1.0.
Confirmation of Eligibility Form 2022 – Maintained
Terms of reference and meetings.
Competency Framework for Governance
The knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for effective governance in maintained schools, academies and multi-academy trusts.
Clerking Competency Framework
The knowledge, skills and behaviours required to provide professional clerking to the governing boards of maintained schools, academies and multi-academy trusts.
Academy Trust Handbook 2022
For academy members, trustees, accounting officers, chief financial officers and auditors. Effective from 1st September 2022.
Academies Planning Calendar 2022 to 2023
A summary of key dates and actions relating to academy funding, finance and trust compliance with their funding agreement.
How we’ve been supporting Governors and their schools
Despite the lockdown, the Governor Services team is continuing to support governors across the schools and academies with which we work. At a time when school leaders and staff are responding to new challenges, when we are all being asked to work in new and different ways, the positive support that governors can provide to their schools is key.
The New Ofsted Framework – Are you aware of the changes? (Nov 2019)
As governors will be well aware, Ofsted published a new inspection framework which has formed the basis of inspections since September. The new framework brings with it a number of changes