GOV 22 Academy Finance

Close up of a computer screen with a mouse pointer arrow

One of the core functions for a board is ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the academy’s financial resources.

GOV 20 Managing Behaviour and Pupil Exclusions

Close up of a computer screen with a mouse pointer arrow

Governors and trustees play a key role in establishing policy and monitoring the impact of school systems and processes to support good behaviour and have specific responsibilities in reviewing pupil exclusions.

Case Study: Governor Support

Rob Merino head of Governor service

Find out how One Education’s Governor Support team has supported governors, trustees, and leaders of the New Bridge MAT to develop confidence in their roles and drive continuous development.

Section 128 Checks for School Governors

Business professionals sitting around a table in a meeting.

Find out what a Section 128 Check is and how it protects your school’s or trust’s best interests by making sure your management and governors are suitable and trustworthy leaders.

National School Governors’ Awareness Day 2024

A page from the Governor Support brochure.

This year, the theme for National School Governors’ Awareness Day is the governance of inclusion. Discover how One Education can support governors to deliver equality and equity for their school communities.

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