Case Study: Secondary Reading Award 

Find out how the One Education Secondary Reading Award has supported Prospere Learning Trust to strengthen their reading provision, supporting leaders and teachers to improve outcomes for all. 
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Prospere Learning Trust have been working with One Education on the Secondary Reading Award since 2020. This case study shares how the Secondary Reading Award has strengthened their reading provision, supporting leaders and teachers to improve outcomes for all. 

Setting the Scene

Prospere Learning Trust is a multi-academy trust that brings together four mainstream high schools and five special schools, both primary and secondary. The Trust champions an exceptional education for all, drawing on the principles of inclusion, expertise, and collaboration.  

Back in 2021, One Education approached the Trust to take part in the development of the new secondary Reading Award, building on our successful primary school framework. At this time, the effects of the pandemic were still being felt across education. As pupils made the return to school full-time, the primary focus became catching up on the learning they had missed. 

PLT MAT recognised literacy as a critical factor in education recovery. An increasing number of Year 7 pupils were lacking the reading competencies to access the secondary curriculum. More broadly, learners were struggling with ‘gaps’ in reading development – particularly the most vulnerable groups. With this in mind, the Trust looked forward to the opportunity to collaborate with One Education. By pooling together their collective expertise, they sought to develop evidence-informed reading provision, which would not only close reading gaps but embed a lasting culture of literacy across the Trust.  

Our Approach

Leading the project, Laura Buczko, Literacy Team Leader, worked with support from Sarah Green, Trust Director of Literacy, to create a robust framework that would support schools to review their practice and identify areas for improvement. Over an 18-month pilot, they trialled strategies and approaches across two schools within the PLT MAT, ensuring they reflected the unique challenges within secondary education. In the absence of national statutory guidance for secondary schools, the framework provided a much-needed structure for literacy leads, providing clear, actionable steps to improve reading provision.  

A snippet from the Secondary Reading Award Criteria.
A snippet from the Secondary Reading Award Criteria
Gold Reading Award Badge.

As the pilot progressed, regular reviews were held to evaluate and enhance the award criteria, ensuring the accreditation process was not only achievable but capable of driving meaningful change. Each school received different levels of support matched to their context and need. Some received a light-touch approach, whilst others embraced face-to-face support where a Reading Award consultant visited the school to provide support, review and guidance. This flexible model allowed Trust leaders to be actively involved in the process, whilst supporting schools to develop their own level of autonomy and literacy expertise.  

Staff found the evidence review process to be straight-forward and easy to navigate. Our holistic approach ensures a thorough evaluation of schools, whilst keeping the burden of documentation low. After the first two pilot schools received their award, the project expanded across the Trust. Now, all four secondary schools have earned accreditation, with two currently submitting evidence for the Gold Award.  

The Results

  • A Framework for Growth & Improvement: The Reading Award provided a framework to build on existing policies and systems from the ground up. This helped schools to enhance both universal and targeted approaches to reading, ensuring every child gets the support they need.  
  • Stronger Leadership: The award has helped leaders to focus on improving reading as an ongoing priority, whilst deepening their knowledge of how pupils learn to read and read to learn. Leaders are equipped with the expertise to lead literacy effectively, ensuring sustainable improvement across each school.  
  • Data-Driven Success: More pupils are now achieving a reading age in line with their chronological age and improvements continue to be made year-on-year. When comparing Standardised Age Scores (SAS) to national averages, the Prospere Learning Trust is not just keeping up – they are consistently outperforming national trends.  

Looking Forwards

The journey is far from over as every secondary school within the Trust aims to achieve Gold in the next two years. Meanwhile, momentum continues to grow as the award expands into the Trust’s special schools, bringing a tailored approach to reading that meets the needs of all pupils.   

Accreditation Criteria for Secondary SEND & Specialist Settings
Accreditation Criteria for Secondary SEND & Specialist Settings

By embedding the Reading Award framework into the trust-wide literacy strategy, schools can continue to evolve their practice and promote high standards, ensuring every learner has the literacy foundation they need to succeed as they progress through education, into the world of work and beyond.  


“The impact on literacy leaders has been remarkable. We look back to our work with One Education with pride and are keen to continue working with them in partnership as part of our trust strategy development and school improvement.”

Sarah Green, Trust Director of Literacy

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