Case Study: Governor Support

Find out how One Education's Governor Support team has supported governors, trustees, and leaders of the New Bridge MAT to develop confidence in their roles and drive continuous development.
Rob Merino head of Governor service
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For the past five years, One Education worked closely with the New Bridge MAT to deliver clerking support and professional development. This case study reveals how our governance professionals have supported governors, trustees, and leaders to develop confidence in their roles and drive continuous development. 

Setting the Scene

The New Bridge MAT is a SEND trust that caters for young people with an EHCP from the age of 4 to 19. It is part of a larger cluster of organisations based in Oldham, Tameside, and Rochdale that support the learning, social and pastoral needs of over 1,000 children and young people with additional needs. 

The trust currently consists of six schools located across Greater Manchester. Governance support was originally provided by a variety of local authorities, which meant the quality of minute taking and training was variable as a result. Therefore, the executive leadership sought a service that could deliver independent, consistent clerking as well as a cohesive package of training across the whole trust. 

Executive Director Moria Thompson had worked with One Education prior to joining the New Bridge MAT, when she was Executive Principal of a primary special school. One Education had delivered a safeguarding audit and GDPR support in response to a freedom of information (FOI) and subject access request (SAR) made by a parent. Moira explains, ‘One Education helped us respond within the right timelines, in the right order, and in the right way.’ 

Thanks to the team’s fast and effective response, the challenge from the parent was resolved before escalating further, whilst staff confidence was restored. So, when looking for a service that had the expertise to meet the particular needs of a unique, complex, and growing organisation, One Education was the first port of call. 

Our Approach

‘It is absolutely first class. The relationships we have built with the leaders of the governor service are superb.’

For the past five years, Rob Merino, Head of Governance and Compliance, and Governance Professionals, Matthew Maltby and Emma Capp, have worked closely with the board of trustees, school governing boards, and executive leaders to deliver clerking support and professional development. Over the years, they have taken the time to learn the unique language, practice, and systems of accountability and decision-making within the trust. For example, Rob has presented at the trust’s annual conference for governors and trustees, using terminology that is specific to the New Bridge Group. ‘This shows he knows our trust and the people in the trust,’ Moira says. In this way, One Education feels like an extended member of the New Bridge team. 

Rob, Matthew and Emma have built strong professional relationships with those who sit at the heart of governance and leadership. They hold regular debrief meetings to reflect on strengths and areas for improvement in governance. This allows leaders to evolve their practice and contribute to the continued growth and development of the trust. In turn, the Governor Support team is open and responsive to ideas from the trust. For example, the training package has been tailored and expanded in consultation with the Training & Development team within the New Bridge MAT. This means governing bodies can benefit from bespoke action plans and training events that are more closely aligned to their needs.

The Governor Support team offers sound, secure, legal advice on a number of issues, ensuring that governors are up to date on the latest policy developments and best practice. When confronted with a difficult situation, our governance experts have been on hand to help trustees by providing timely support, scripted conversations, and an overall sense of security. In their ability to provide both effective challenge and support, One Education reassures governors and trustees that they are not only compliant, but performing to the highest professional standards. 

The Results

‘The governing boards have real confidence in their clerks. The quality is strong, the minutes are consistent, and the advice is reliable.’

  • Confidence: With One Education’s support, governors feel empowered to ask questions and seek advice in a confidential manner. As a result of this professional relationship, governors feel more confident, secure, and well-informed in their decision making. 

  • Collaboration: One Education’s integrated service provides a cohesive and unified approach to governance across the whole trust. This facilitates collaborative working and shared decision-making to achieve the best possible outcomes for all. 

  • Continuous Improvement: By carrying out evaluation and creating tailor-made solutions, One Education has contributed to a culture of continuous improvement at the trust, supporting sustained growth and success. 

Looking Forwards

‘It’s been a journey that we build on year on year.’

One Education recognises all the progress the New Bridge MAT has made in governance, whilst sharing their ambition to continue promoting the organisational strength that ensures their schools are resilient and providing a quality education for all pupils. The Governor Support team continues to work closely with the trust’s Training & Development team to create professional learning opportunities that knit closely together with the needs and requirements of governing bodies. There are also plans to develop a bespoke termly handbook, which shares the latest developments in governance both nationally and within the New Bridge MAT. 

Following the release of the Academy Trust Governance Guide, the trust has also commissioned an external review of governance to ensure they are compliant and up to date with the latest guidance. 

More broadly, the New Bridge MAT has plans for continued growth and development, with another two schools expected to join the trust within the next two years. The executive leadership is looking at new ways of working and managing business functions. They have the confidence that Rob, Matthew and Emma can continue to support them as they embark on this next step of their development journey.


‘I would recommend One Education without a shadow of a doubt.’

The New Bridge MAT recommends One Education to other schools and academy trusts who are seeking independent advice and tailored support to meet the needs of their governors and trustees. 

As the trust continues to work with One Education’s team of highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals, they are confident in their ability to continue evolving their practice, embrace new opportunities, and build on their success. 

“Having One Education as a back up to our existing systems has proved invaluable from a governance perspective. The consistency and accuracy of record keeping is paramount to the effectiveness of any local governing body. This has supported our teams very well over a number of years.”

Clare John, CEO of the New Bridge Group

If you would like to learn more about Governor Services, please get in touch. 

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