Case Studies

Explore our case studies to discover how we’ve supported schools and academy trusts to bring about positive change in education. We hope these real-life stories will inspire your own journey towards success and transformation.

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A child's hand holding a pen and filling in a worksheet.
Case Study: Writing Assessments

Discover how One Education's Literacy Team supported Oswald Road Primary School with boosting teachers' confidence and quality of writing assessments...

Close up of hand dipping paintbrush into box of coloured paints.
Case Study: Creative Arts Therapy

Learn about Parbold Douglas CE Academy’s experience with our Creative Psychotherapy in Education service. Discover how our Art Psychotherapist worked with staff, pupils, and parents...

Rob Merino head of Governor service
Case Study: Governor Support

Find out how One Education's Governor Support team has supported governors, trustees, and leaders of the New Bridge MAT to develop confidence in their roles and drive continuo...

Amy Bent and classmates performing on stage.
Student Success Story: Music

Discover how the 'We Can Play' whole class ensemble programme supported our former student, Amy Bent, to embrace her love and passion for music.

A girl writing at her desk in the classroom.
Case Study: Writing Curriculum
Find out how our Literacy experts worked with Chapel Street Community Primary School to create a bespoke Writing curriculum tailored to meet children's needs...

Other blogs & news

Governor Support
Teachers sitting around a table at a meeting.
Governor Support
How we’ve been supporting Governors and their schools
Despite the lockdown, the Governor Services team is continuing to support governors across the schools and academies with which we...
A boy reading a book.
Teaching Reading Skills: Retrieval
We read constantly, not just words, but emotions and images. What unites most of our daily reading is that we...
Educational Psychology
A schoolboy colouring a yellow triangle.
Educational Psychology
The Impact of COVID 19 has had on the therapy profession
As we negotiate the many changes to our daily lives, including the millions of people now working from home, operating...
A diagram that illustrates the growth of language.
Silence is Not Golden: The Importance of Improving Oracy
The education community needs to act to prioritise the teaching and learning of Oracy, so that all children develop their...
Educational Psychology
Dandelion seeds floating into the air.
Educational Psychology
Looking after yourself as a parent and teacher in the time of Covid 19
During this difficult time, when stress and anxiety levels are heightened, looking after yourself becomes essential, not a luxury....
A slide with the header planning a writing unit, illustrated with books.
Writing for Reality Using the P.I.C.C a Text Approach
Our P.I.C.C. a Text approach to planning focuses on using a quality text, such as Somebody Swallowed Stanley, to inspire...
HR Support
An empty outdoor tennis court.
HR Support
Coronavirus: Effectively supporting staff working at home
The Government’s social distancing policy makes it clear that staff should work at home wherever possible. This has immediately changed...
HR Support
Two paper origami birds, one red and the other yellow, hanging from a tree branch.
HR Support
How do HR Managers survive Lockdown?
We are all having our ups and downs at the moment. Take a moment to read this honest, relatable and...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
A child typing on a tablet.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Keeping children motivated during lockdown
Parents have been faced with not only looking after their children at home but also providing education. And this includes...
Books lined on a shelf in the library
Complete Comprehension for KS1
"We're thrilled to have been asked to write for Schofield and Sims, sharing our knowledge of the teaching of Reading...
1 42 43 44 45 46 52

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