Case Studies

Explore our case studies to discover how we’ve supported schools and academy trusts to bring about positive change in education. We hope these real-life stories will inspire your own journey towards success and transformation.

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A child's hand holding a pen and filling in a worksheet.
Case Study: Writing Assessments

Discover how One Education's Literacy Team supported Oswald Road Primary School with boosting teachers' confidence and quality of writing assessments...

Close up of hand dipping paintbrush into box of coloured paints.
Case Study: Creative Arts Therapy

Learn about Parbold Douglas CE Academy’s experience with our Creative Psychotherapy in Education service. Discover how our Art Psychotherapist worked with staff, pupils, and parents...

Rob Merino head of Governor service
Case Study: Governor Support

Find out how One Education's Governor Support team has supported governors, trustees, and leaders of the New Bridge MAT to develop confidence in their roles and drive continuo...

Amy Bent and classmates performing on stage.
Student Success Story: Music

Discover how the 'We Can Play' whole class ensemble programme supported our former student, Amy Bent, to embrace her love and passion for music.

A girl writing at her desk in the classroom.
Case Study: Writing Curriculum
Find out how our Literacy experts worked with Chapel Street Community Primary School to create a bespoke Writing curriculum tailored to meet children's needs...

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A teenage boy in a school uniform working through the corridor.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Looking at the DfE data release for exclusions in England
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Communication is key
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Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
A banner for the Children at the Heart campaign.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Join the call to put children at the heart of recovery
"The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widespread, affecting the lives of every baby, child and young person in...
A group of children in the playground, smiling.
OneWellbeing: Our brand new service!
In September 2020, One Education is proud to launch our multi-disciplinary wellbeing offer, OneWellbeing. A service designed to holistically support...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
A teacher smiles as she helps a boy in class.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Returning to School: Attendance Top Tips
I don’t think it needs to be said that we really are living in strange times currently. Many people describing...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
A teacher and early years pupil colouring in together.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Safeguarding Supervision for EYFS
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A boy completing homework.
The Importance of a Good Transition
Transition is a tricky time for all children but it will be especially challenging this year. A good transition can...
HR Support
A man and woman in a business setting, sitting at a desk and looking at documents.
HR Support
Performance Management Appraisal Process 2019-20
Come September 2020, how will the annual appraisal and performance management cycle be fairly applied due to the unprecedented covid-19...
HR Support
A woman in the school office, working on the computer.
HR Support
Returning to School: Supporting Employee Wellbeing
Our Senior HR Manager, Pam Mason, offers some guidance on how best to support the wellbeing of employees who are...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
A boy sitting in a beanbag, reading a book.
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Support Young People Mental Health and Wellbeing In Lockdown
This week is our national Mental Health Awareness week that comes around annually. This week however is different to all...
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