Case Studies

Explore our case studies to discover how we’ve supported schools and academy trusts to bring about positive change in education. We hope these real-life stories will inspire your own journey towards success and transformation.

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A child's hand holding a pen and filling in a worksheet.
Case Study: Writing Assessments

Discover how One Education's Literacy Team supported Oswald Road Primary School with boosting teachers' confidence and quality of writing assessments...

Close up of hand dipping paintbrush into box of coloured paints.
Case Study: Creative Arts Therapy

Learn about Parbold Douglas CE Academy’s experience with our Creative Psychotherapy in Education service. Discover how our Art Psychotherapist worked with staff, pupils, and parents...

Rob Merino head of Governor service
Case Study: Governor Support

Find out how One Education's Governor Support team has supported governors, trustees, and leaders of the New Bridge MAT to develop confidence in their roles and drive continuo...

Amy Bent and classmates performing on stage.
Student Success Story: Music

Discover how the 'We Can Play' whole class ensemble programme supported our former student, Amy Bent, to embrace her love and passion for music.

A girl writing at her desk in the classroom.
Case Study: Writing Curriculum
Find out how our Literacy experts worked with Chapel Street Community Primary School to create a bespoke Writing curriculum tailored to meet children's needs...

Other blogs & news

A boy smiling in the library, holding an open book in his hands.
Literacy Conference 2022: Literacy Rich Experiences
With a wonderful venue, amazing speakers, the chance to visit handpicked exhibitors and the opportunity to network with other English...
A girl playing with dolls and a toy rocket.
EYFS and KS1: What We Learned in the Last Academic Year
Goodbye 21-22, and hello 22-23! As we settle into the new term, we take the time to look back on...
A child typing on a tablet.
Your Weekly Sector News 23/09/22
Never miss out on the latest policy and sector developments with Your Weekly Sector News at One Education. Read ahead...
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
Pupils raising their hand in the classroom
Pupil Attendance and Safeguarding
‘Working Together to Improve School Attendance’ – Is your school ready?
Whilst many schools will already be practising the expectations set out within the document, they will also need to be...
Teachers sitting around a table at a meeting.
Your Weekly Sector News 16/09/22
At One Education, we recognise how important it is for school leaders and teachers to stay informed and keep up...
A girl writing at her desk in the classroom.
Ofsted’s Research Review of English: Our Top Takeaways for Schools
Designed to bring together a picture of the national context, with their summary of current research into factors that can...
A boy writing at his desk with a teacher nearby.
Your Weekly Sector News 12/09/22
Welcome back to the new term! We hope you have enjoyed your first week back in school, meeting pupils, reconnecting...
Hands typing on a laptop.
Your Weekly Sector News 19/08/22
In the ever-changing world of education, it is important to keep up with the latest trends and developments. At One...
School finance documents.
Your Weekly Sector News 12/08/22
Read ahead to find out the latest trends and developments in education. As the new school year approaches, we discuss...
A girl practicing writing letters on the whiteboard.
Your Weekly Sector News 05/08/22
Keep up with the latest developments in education with One Educations’ Weekly Sector News. This week, we discuss equal access...
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