The Importance Building of a Reading Rich School Environment

Reading is all around us. We encounter print in a huge variety of forms day to day, both at school, at home, and everywhere in-between. What does a reading rich environment look like? In order to really interrogate our reading environments, we need to consider three areas of school: classrooms, the library and the wider shared school environment.
A school boy smiling as he reads his book.
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Reading is all around us. We encounter print in a huge variety of forms day to day while providing our literacy services, both at school, at home, and everywhere in-between.

What does a reading rich environment look like in a school?

In order to really interrogate our reading environments, we need to consider three areas of school:

  • Classrooms
  • The library
  • The wider shared school environment.

In this blog, we’ll be discussing the importance of creating a reading rich environment within the school to help develop children’s reading abilities.

What does a reading rich environment look like?

As adults, we read automatically the vast majority of the time, without even really noticing the text around us. Consider when you last saw a poster for something – you are very likely to have ‘read’ the poster without actively reading it. But we are confident readers. We have learned to read fluently and automatically with self-regulation, becoming good readers who can read for pleasure and purpose.

For pupils whose reading has not already become second nature, we have to consider the teaching of the mechanics and understanding of reading, and  the environment within which we read. We have to make careful choices so that our environment is not only a reading environment, but a reading rich environment.

But what does a reading rich environment look like?

Langlois says  that they are “…made up of setting, text types, mood, time, attitudes and purpose.”

A rich reading environment doesn’t just mean displays and neat bookshelves. In order to really interrogate our reading environments, we need to consider the whole school.

Reading in the classroom: immersion in texts

Consider: If a child stood at your classroom door, what would they see? What would your classroom communicate?

To build a reading rich environment, we need to carefully consider the experience we provide within our classrooms.

What does the reading classroom look like?

A crucial consideration is how you share that reading is a priority throughout your visual environment. Having a reading area and display can support your message, so long as it is powerful instead of passive.

Whether planning your reading area or a display, thinking about how the space will impact pupils’ reading attitudes is important. Considering how best to organise your books to ensure all pupils can find something that interests them.

Think through how best to collate pupils’ recommendations and how to share your own reading journey may be a good place to begin.

Focusing on books themselves can be useful, exploring how best to display them throughout the learning environment, so that pupils’ interests are piqued. But more than anything, considering how you can make your classroom a comfortable space for reading, is the key.

Some questions to ask yourself when developing a reading rich environment:

  • Where can pupils sit when they read?
  • Do they always have to sit, or can they lie down?
  • Who do they sit with? Why?
  • How can we organise books so that pupils still access recommendations and make their own choices?

What do you read in the classroom?

Ask any teacher what they would do to improve the reading environment, and their response would probably include at least some reference to sourcing reading material. A crucial part of the reading rich environment revolves around texts – not just books, but all texts of all types.

A reading rich environment must make texts accessible and engaging to pupils, actively encouraging them to read independently. It depends on staff communicating their knowledge of children’s literature, both new and classic, with pupils.

How often do you read?

For reading to flourish, we need to build in as many opportunities for reading as possible. This could be in the form of reading lessons, reading in other subjects, reading for pleasure, reading for purpose or reading aloud.

What is crucial is the number and range of such opportunities, and by whom they are led. Having a reading rich environment means having protected reading time, giving pupils opportunities not just to read texts and hear texts, but talk about them, sharing their thoughts, feelings and preferences.

The Research Rich Pedagogies ‘Teachers as Readers’ project builds on this idea in their research Social Reading Environments. By increasing the amount of time reading, and involving everyone in reading, we show its importance.

We spend the majority of our time reading within classrooms, which is only natural considering that is where we actively teach reading. However, in order to build a reading rich environment, we must think outside of that box, and extend the reading rich environment throughout the school.

A good school library is essential in a school

A good school library is an important part of building a reading rich environment. Whether a whole room, or a smaller space in school, a library is not just a place from which to borrow books, but a beacon for reading. It can broaden your pupil’s horizons and so much more.

The benefit of a good school library

The National Literacy Trust found that children and young people who used the school library showed:

  • Better reading attainment.
  • Better mental wellbeing.
  • Higher levels of reading enjoyment, reading for pleasure and reading confidence.
  • Higher levels of writing confidence and writing for pleasure.
  • A tendency to read and write a greater range of material.

For children and young people who receive free school meals, these outcomes were even more significant. However, not every child currently benefits from this great resource.

The Great School Libraries survey found that 1 in 8 pupils do not have access to a school library. Even more concerningly, the survey noted that schools with a higher proportion of children receiving free school meals were more than twice as likely not to have access to a designated library space.

Making space for a school library

We know that it can be challenging to find an appropriate space or the budget needed to create a school library. Grants such as those from the Foyle Foundation can be a great source of help when developing your own library.

If room is an issue, getting creative with smaller areas around school can be a great way of having designated library space without the need for an entire room devoted to it. You could use book nooks, key stage or class libraries, which though smaller, can be just as powerful.

Albert Einstein once wrote, “The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” Although he was not extolling the virtues of the school library, Einstein’s view of libraries is one which we can learn from.

Rather than saying reading is important, he specifically focused on the importance of the library as a central place, a bank of the world’s knowledge. To Einstein, the library was more than the books within its walls, and we should think about our school libraries in the same way.

We need to think about the space in which our library is located; the resources it houses and the way it is used.

Tips for developing a good school library

Choose the school library location wisely

Ideally, a school library needs to be in a prominent place in school which shows its importance and where a group of children, preferably a whole class, can visit at the same time.

The space needs to be engaging and inviting, with opportunities to share a love of books in evidence, e.g. a recommendations box, a ‘What am I reading?’ wall. Children need to be involved in its creation and development: they need ownership of this most important of reading spaces,

Library resources need to be up-to-date

It is vital for reading resources to be up to date, engaging and varied, with pupils able to easily find what they are looking for. School libraries fail when pupils cannot find a book, or other text, such as a comic or magazine, they want to read. Taking the time to audit what you have and plug any gaps, with input from children, can make a huge difference.

Schedule in library time

Your space may be visually beautiful, but how are pupils staff and even parents using it? Every class needs to have dedicated library time, ideally with the chance to share books, make recommendations and become a social reader.

Where possible, thinking about how pupils can access the school library with their parents is also an important consideration, building links between the school reading environment and that of home.

If we want to build a reading rich environment and subsequently a love of reading, our first port of call needs to be our school library.

Having a library in school is key to the promotion of reading – it tells pupils that you consider reading to be important. Consider your current school provision.

The Great School Libraries campaign website is full of useful resources to help you consider how to breathe new life into your school library. By promoting and prioritising the library, and making it inviting and accessible to all, we can communicate that reading is more than just another lesson, but an important part of life.

Following the reading thread through the whole school environment

Think of your reading environment as a tapestry. With a great school library and classrooms that communicate reading, you have only half the picture. A true reading-rich environment runs throughout and outside the whole shared space, with pupils encouraged to read anywhere and everywhere.

By instilling this, you encourage pupils to not only think of reading as a classroom, or even a school, activity, but one which underpins everything. It is yet another way to communicate to pupils, parents and visitors that reading is important to you

Here are some ways to do that.

Create reading displays

One of the easiest ways to spread your reading rich environment wider is to use whole school displays which focus on shared reading experiences. Displays focused upon favourite books, reading recommendations and reading behaviours can be truly powerful when carefully thought out.

Such displays also offer the chance to expand pupils’ views of reading by inviting a wide range of stakeholders to contribute. Including contributions from people children admire, showing them that reading is something that everybody does, can be a great way of continuing to build a love of reading across school.

Reading spaces across the school

Although the library should be the central reading space in school, a reading rich environment will go further than that, providing spaces and places for reading across the whole school.

Designating quiet areas, where pupils can go to read, including outside, can make a huge difference. But the focus should not always be on pupils’ reading – we need to acknowledge that a huge part of your reading environment depends on the reading behaviours modelled and opportunities created by staff.

If pupils experience reading in assemblies, on the coach going swimming and on the field at playtime, enjoying reading is normalised and more likely to become a valued part of life.

Get parents involved

A successful reading rich environment will expand to not only impact reading within school but outside it. The first step to this is communicating the importance of reading with parents and other stakeholders.

By including them in the development of your rich reading environment, through parental voice, reading newsletters and your website, you can communicate the importance of reading, and so too can they with their children. This will also help children develop an interest in reading for pleasure.

Create a reading culture across the school

Ultimately, creating a reading rich environment is about much more than what things look like. You can have a beautiful reading environment, where all the books are neatly shelved, where everybody’s displays are stunning, where reading is visible, but where reading is not vocal.

These environments may seem reading rich, but in reality, they are only rich in appearance. In order for our reading environments to have real power, to be truly reading rich, we have to consider the culture within which they sit.

Developing a reading culture is about more than how reading ‘looks’ in school. It is about prioritising reading, carving time out of each and every day for it, regardless of the many other pressures on the timetable.

It relies on staff building and disseminating their knowledge of children’s literature, sharing their love of reading with pupils and acting as reading role models. It requires not only space in school, but drive.

As Karl Duke says: Is your headteacher the ‘head reader’? Do pupils, parents, staff and other stakeholders understand the power of reading? How do you support parents to continue that reading rich environment at home? What does your school do to not only teach pupils how to read, but support them to develop a true love of reading?

How One Education provides further literacy support in your school

Is your school striving to create a thriving reading culture?

One Education’s literacy consultancy services can help you achieve just that!

Our experts will work with you to design engaging reading environments, implement evidence-based strategies, and empower your students to become lifelong readers.

From foundational skills to advanced comprehension, we provide tailored literacy solutions to meet your school’s unique needs. Contact us today to learn more about how our literacy consultancy services can transform your school’s reading outcomes.

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