KS1 and KS2 Pupil tracking
The majority of the new resources created by ESS have focussed on secondary schools. We are delighted to inform you that ESS have released a new primary school assessment system that comprises a set of integrated marksheets, analysis reports and data dashboards.
The marksheets and SIMS analysis reports will enable schools to track and monitor age related attainment (ARE), progress, end of year targets and on track to achieve the expected combined standard for Reading, Writing and Maths at the end of each full term, i.e. Autumn, Spring and Summer. They will display all prior attainment results, including Early Years, Phonics, Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments and previous years internal assessments all on one sheet. There is one marksheet for each of year groups one to six.
Below is a screenshot of the marksheet format for Y6:

On clicking calculate they will automatically show pupils on track for ARE, Progress Steps and Progress Indicators, on track to meet end of year targets and ARE on track in combined Reading, Writing and Maths.
The key features of ESS’s design are:
- All three subjects (reading, writing and maths) are included on the same marksheet.
- The marksheet uses traffic-light colours to highlight the pupils who are at the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.
- Key stage results from the EYFS onwards are included for each pupil, including phonics test results.
- Grades are based on the commonly used emerging, developing, secure and mastered system.
- The assessment system links with ESS’s formative assessment system (PoS).
- You can set end of year targets for pupils.
- The system includes a measure of pupil progress (steps) since the previous year.
- Prior attainment is calculated and pupils are tagged as L, M or H.
- You can enter scaled or standardised scores for each subject.
- In line with most schools, the assessment system varies the ‘expected standard’ (EXS) depending on the term. In the autumn term, pupils are expected to be emerging, in the spring term pupils are expected to be developing, and in the summer term they are expected to be secure.
The reports will enable detailed analysis for whole school and key pupil groups on a termly basis. The reports are run from SIMS into Excel marksheets in the following format.

There are two reports, the high level report shown above, each year group is represented as a row, with each demographic as a column.

The detailed report is shown above and the statistics are broken down by:
- Demographic, including prior attainment, term of birth, registration group, pupil premium and ‘stable group’ (which only includes pupils who’ve been in school for more than a predefined period).
- Gap analysis for SEN, gender, EAL and pupil premium.
- The % of pupils below ARE, working towards ARE, at ARE or higher and exceeding ARE.
- Various progress measure including an average steps measure (similar to the old APS score) and steps since the previous summer term.
- There also a summary for combined reading, writing and maths statistics (RWM).
This is an example of the output from Power BI using the above assessment resources.

The dashboards above are an additional feature to the analysis, these can be tailored to what your school would like to see, Lates, Behaviour, Attainment Progress, ARE.
As an accredited partner of ESS, we are experienced in implementing new developments into your existing SIMS software. If you are interested in having Assessment Tracking integrated for academic year 2022/23 or have any queries, please contact Az’ya Rajput (Head of SIMS), azya.rajput@oneeducation.co.uk.